
     2815  0 Kommentare Die besten EUR High Yield Anleihenfonds

    e-fundresearch: "What is your general outlook for the global macroeconomic development over the next 12 months?"

    Stuart M Stanley, CFA, High Yield Portfolio Manager, "Invesco Extra Income Bond T" (ISIN: AT0000673892) (15.08.2012): "We are expecting a slowing global economy over the next year, weighed down by a turgid and bifurcated European economy and slowing Chinese growth. Developing economies too could see lower growth as commodity prices continue to show some weakness. A slightly weaker macro picture itself, however, should not have a major impact on the more stable high yield companies which should  continue to generate free cash flow to comfortably service their debts."

    Thomas Korhammer, Fondsmanager, "Raiffeisen-Europa-High Yield R A" (ISIN: AT0000796529) (16.08.2012): "Im Umfeld fiskalischer Konsolidierung und mangelndem Vertrauen seitens des Konsumenten sehen wir keine ausgeprägten Wachstumsimpulse. Ein Verlassen des aktuell bescheidenen Wachstumspfads kann nur mit einer Entspannung der Euro-Krise einhergehen.  
    Folglich rechnen wir weiterhin mit sehr geringem Quartalswachstum deutlich unter Potential. Negative Quartale sind weiterhin nicht auszuschließen. Für das Gesamtjahr 2013 erwarten wir insgesamt geringfügig positives Wachstum."

    Philippe Igigabel, Fund Manager, "HSBC GIF Euro High Yield Bond AC EUR" (ISIN: LU0165128348) (07.08.2012): "We expect a continuously weak macroeconomic environment over the next 12 months, especially in the Eurozone."

    e-fundresearch: "Which are the most important elements in your investment process?"

    Stuart M Stanley, CFA, High Yield Portfolio Manager, "Invesco Extra Income Bond T" (ISIN: AT0000673892) (15.08.2012): "Our high yield investment process is mostly bottoms up, but is guided by our thoughts on the macro picture which includes our view of the economy and valuations. Our bottoms up work is done on a company-by-company basis as we search for value and strengthening creditworthiness to create returns. Our top down work helps us to tactically identify broader-based market opportunities and when risk-taking is most likely to be rewarded and when it is potentially most dangerous. We also tend to focus less on the largest cap bond structures as we have the flexibility and research capabilities to deal with medium and small cap structures, though we typically avoid illiquid names."

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    Albert Reiter
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    Verfasst von 2Albert Reiter
    Die besten EUR High Yield Anleihenfonds Die Fondsmanager der besten EUR High Yield Anleihenfonds haben exklusiv fünf Fragen zur makroökonomischen Entwicklung, den wichtigsten Elementen im Investmentprozess sowie den Performances und Gewichtungen beantwortet.

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