
    Sanofi-Aventis meldet ersten Erfolg aus Studie zu HIV-Impfstoff - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 24.09.09 12:38:14 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 24.09.09 12:38:14
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Bin heute eingestiegen.

      Mal sehen was passiert, wenn der Wert in USA öffnet.

      Vielleicht ist es ja auch eine "Luftnummer".

      Ansonsten ist die Firma (und somit auch die Aktie) ein "seriöses" Unternehmen und nicht wie so oft eine Zocker-Bude.

      schrieb am 24.09.09 12:39:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      24.09.2009 10:38
      Sanofi-Aventis meldet ersten Erfolg aus Studie zu HIV-Impfstoff

      Der französische Pharmakonzern Sanofi-Aventis <PSAN.PSE> <SNW.ETR> hat in einer sechsjährigen Studie zu einem Impfstoff gegen das HIV-Virus nach eigenen Aussagen einen "wissenschaftlichen Meilenstein" erreicht. Die Phase-III-Studie, an der mehr als 16.000 Erwachsene in Thailand teilgenommen hätten, habe gezeigt, dass der getestete Impfstoff sicher und leicht effektiv sei, teilte die Impfstoffsparte Sanofi Pasteur am Donnerstag in Lyon mit. Auch die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO und die UNAIDS veröffentlichten Mitteilungen über den Studienerfolg.

      Der Impfstoff habe in den Tests im Vergleich mit einem Scheinmedikament die Rate der HIV-Infektionen um 31,2 Prozent reduziert. Die Ergebnisse seien statistisch signifikant, da es das erste Mal seit der Entdeckung des Virus im Jahr 1983 sei, dass sich ein Impfstoff gegen das AIDS-Virus als leicht effektiv gezeigt habe, hieß es in der Mitteilung weiter. "Das Ergebnis ist ein Durchbruch in der Entwicklung von Aids-Impfstoffen, weil es das erste Mal ist, dass ein HIV-Impfstoff vorbeugend wirkt", sagte der Gesundheitsminister von Thailand, Withaya Kaewparadai. .

      Die vollständigen Ergebnisse würden am 20. Oktober auf der Fachtagung "AIDS Vaccine 2009" in Paris vorgestellt./ep/tw

      ISIN FR0000120578

      AXC0051 2009-09-24/10:38…
      schrieb am 24.09.09 12:41:05
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Sanofi-Aventis:Pleased With Phase III Results For HIV Vaccine

      9-24-09 2:35 AM EDT

      PARIS -(Dow Jones)- Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of drugmaker Sanofi- Aventis SA (SNY), Thursday commended the results of the collaborative HIV vaccine trial that has been conducted in Thailand over the past six years.

      - The Phase III clinical trial involving more than 16,000 adult volunteers in Thailand has demonstrated that an investigational HIV vaccine regimen was safe and modestly effective in preventing HIV infection.

      - According to the final results released today by the trial sponsor - the U.S. Army Surgeon General - the prime-boost combination of ALVAC HIV and AIDSVAX B/E vaccines lowered the rate of HIV infection by 31.2% compared with placebo.

      - The comprehensive results will be presented by the lead clinical investigator on October 20, 2009 at AIDS Vaccine 2009 in Paris.

      - Albeit modest, the reduction of risk of HIV infection is statistically significant. This is the first concrete evidence, since the discovery of the virus in 1983, that a vaccine against HIV is eventually feasible," said Michel DeWilde, R&D Senior Vice President for Sanofi Pasteur, the manufacturer of the prime vaccine, ALVAC HIV.

      - Christopher A. Viehbacher, Chief Executive Officer of Sanofi-Aventis said: " Sanofi Pasteur will continue its long-standing commitment to HIV vaccine research and development efforts by partnering with academia, governments, non- governmental organizations, and other vaccine companies to progress the science, so that one day we will be able to provide access to HIV vaccines to people who need them."

      - By Paris Bureau, Dow Jones Newswires; +331-4017-1740; jethro.mullen@

      (END) Dow Jones Newswires
      Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.…
      schrieb am 24.09.09 12:43:36
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Vor einigen Tagen hat auch "Der Aktionär" zu SANOFI geschrieben (muss halt jeder selbst wissen ob dies gut oder schlecht ist):


      Sanofi-Aventis marschiert weiter

      Thorsten Küfner
      Nach dem Sprung über einen hartnäckigen Widerstand kennt die Aktie des französischen Pharmariesen Sanofi-Aventis nur noch die Richtung nach oben. Für einen Neueinstieg ist es dennoch nicht zu spät.

      Nach der Überwindung des hartnäckigen Widerstandes im Bereich von 48 Euro ist die Aktie von Sanofi-Aventis auch über die Marke von 50 Euro gesprungen. Nun erhält der Wert auch Rückenwind von Seiten der Analysten.

      Aktie bleibt auf "Selected List"

      So haben die Experten von Cheuvreux die Papiere von Sanofi-Aventis auf ihrer "Selected List" belassen. Das Kursziel wurde mit 61,00 Euro bestätigt. Der neuerliche Auftrag zur Produktion von Schweinegrippeimpfstoff für die USA sei nach Meinung der Analysten positiv für den Konzern zu werten.

      Auch Kepler zeigte sich zuversichtlich und Kepler empfiehlt die Sanofi-Aventis-Anteile weiterhin zum Kauf. Das Kursziel wurde bei 64,00 Euro belassen. Die weitere Bestellung des Schweinegrippe-Impfstoffes durch die US-Regierung ist nach Ansicht von Analyst Tero Weckroth leicht positiv zu werten. Weil die optimale Dosis des Impfstoffes noch nicht bekannt ist, könnten die mit dem Präparat erzielbaren Renditen allerdings nicht exakt berechnet werden. Dieses einmalige Geschäft sollte aber dennoch einen nachhaltigen Einfluss auf die Bewertung haben.

      Aktie bleibt ein Kauf

      Wie bereits am Wochenende beschrieben, bleibt die Aktie von Sanofi-Aventis sowohl aus charttechnischen als auch aus fundamentalen Gründen ein Kauf. DER AKTIONÄR rät daher weiterhin zum Kauf der Anteile. Das Kursziel beträgt weiterhin 60 Euro, der Stoppkurs sollte bei 41 Euro platziert werden.…
      schrieb am 24.09.09 12:45:15
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Informationsblatt zu AIDS-Impfstoffen aus dem Jahr 2005, hier ist RV 144 ganz oben aufgelistet:…

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
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      East Africa Metals: Neues All-Time-High – die 276% Chance jetzt nutzen?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 24.09.09 12:54:33
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()

      RV144 Phase III HIV Vaccine Trial

      The U.S. Military HIV Research Program (MHRP)

      U.S. Army and the Thailand Ministry of Public Health join forces to develop a safe and effective preventive HIV vaccine


      The Thai Phase III HIV vaccine clinical trial, also known as RV 144, tested the “prime-boost” combination of two vaccines: ALVAC-HIV® vaccine (the prime), and AIDSVAX® B/E vaccine (the boost). The vaccine combination was based on HIV strains that commonly circulate in Thailand.

      RV 144 was designed to test the vaccine strategy’s ability to prevent HIV infection, as well as its ability to reduce the amount of HIV in the blood (viral load) of those who became infected after they enrolled in the study.

      The study was made possible by an international collaboration involving numerous partners from the Thai and U.S. governments, private companies, non-profit organizations and more than 16,000 volunteers.

      Study Background

      With the emergence of an explosive HIV epidemic in Thailand in the early 1990s, Army researchers helped to characterize the heterosexual epidemic, isolated Thai viruses, and made these sequences available to companies developing HIV vaccines. Army researchers have had a long-standing relationship with the Royal Thai Army, Thai Ministry of Public Health and other Thai vaccine experts, and together they developed a plan to test this candidate vaccine in Thailand.

      Strong Safety Record

      An international Data and Safety Monitoring Board met eight times since trial initiation and did not identify any safety concerns.

      The study vaccines did not cause HIV infection because they are not made from and do not contain the entire virus, either live or killed.

      Study Volunteers

      * 16,402 non-infected volunteers (18-30 years old) at average risk of HIV infection; half received the prime-boost combination of vaccines/half received a placebo.
      * Vaccinations ended in July 2006, and volunteers received an HIV test every six-months for three- years.
      * Study volunteers received counseling on how to prevent becoming infected with HIV at the beginning of the study and every six months after the start of the trial, for a total of three and a half years.
      * Before agreeing to participate, all volunteers were informed of and consented to the potential risks associated with receiving the experimental vaccine combination.
      * Volunteers who acquired HIV infection during the trial were given free access to HIV care and treatment, and were offered follow-up in a separate study.

      Global Significance

      The HIV pandemic is an unprecedented global crisis. An HIV vaccine continues to be the best hope for ending the HIV pandemic. The U.S. Army is committed to developing a globally effective HIV vaccine to protect U.S. and allied troops from infection and to support the U.S. National Security Strategy by reducing the global impact of the disease.

      HIV vaccine research—like all scientific research—is an iterative process. The knowledge gained through this clinical trial will be used to design future studies.
      Study Sponsor

      The study is sponsored by the U.S. Army and is conducted by the Thailand Ministry of Public Health.

      The U.S. Military HIV Research Program provides overall project leadership, and the U.S. Army Medical Component – Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences (AFRIMS) helps execute the trial in Thailand on behalf of the Sponsor.

      AFRIMS is a Special Foreign Activity of Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) hosted by the Royal Thai Army and staffed by American and Thai personnel. For almost 50 years, AFRIMS has been America's premier Asian site to study infectious diseases of military importance.

      This study was supported by a cooperative agreement with the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc.


      * RV144: A Phase III Trial of Aventis Pasteur Live Recombinant ALVAC-HIV® (vCP1521) Priming with VaxGen gp120 B/E (AIDSVAX® B/E) Boosting in HIV-uninfected Thai Adults


      * U.S. Army Surgeon General


      * Division of AIDS, National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH
      * U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command


      * Rayong and Chon Buri Provinces, Thailand
      * 47 health centers (screening and tracking)
      * 8 clinical sites


      * Global Solutions for Infectious Diseases-AIDSVAX B/E
      * sanofi-pasteur-ALVAC-HIV vCP1521

      *Global Solutions for Infectious Diseases (GSID) holds the intellectual property rights to AIDSVAX B/E originally developed and previously owned by VaxGen.


      * Department of Disease Control, Thai Ministry of Public Health (MOPH)
      * Vaccine Trials Centre, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University
      * Data Management Unit, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University
      * Chon Buri and Rayong Provincial Chief Medical Offices, MOPH
      * Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences; Thai Component and U.S. Component (USAMC-AFRIMS)
      * Division of Retrovirology, WRAIR, MHRP
      * U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity, U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command

      It is important to note that a vaccine must be seen as part of a comprehensive approach to prevention of HIV infection. The true public health benefits of any vaccine, and particularly of an experimental vaccine that has not yet been licensed, can only be realized if vaccine recipients continue to control HIV risk-taking behavior.
      schrieb am 24.09.09 12:55:51
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      For First Time, AIDS Vaccine Shows Some Success in Trials

      Article Tools Sponsored By
      By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.
      Published: September 24, 2009

      A new AIDS vaccine tested on more than 16,000 volunteers in Thailand has protected a significant minority against infection, the first time any vaccine against the disease has even partly succeeded in a clinical trial.

      Scientists said they were delighted but puzzled by the result. The vaccine — a combination of two genetically engineered vaccines, neither of which had worked before in humans — protected too few people to be declared an unqualified success. And the researchers do not know why it worked.

      “I don’t want to use a word like ‘breakthrough,’ but I don’t think there’s any doubt that this is a very important result,” said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is one of the trial’s backers.

      “For more than 20 years now, vaccine trials have essentially been failures,” he went on. “Now it’s like we were groping down an unlit path, and a door has been opened. We can start asking some very important questions.”

      Results of the trial of the vaccine, known as RV 144, were released at 2 a.m. Eastern time Thursday in Thailand by the partners that ran the trial, by far the largest of an AIDS vaccine: the United States Army, the Thai Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Fauci’s institute, and the patent-holders in the two parts of the vaccine, Sanofi-Pasteur and Global Solutions for Infectious Diseases.

      Col. Jerome H. Kim, a physician who is manager of the army’s H.I.V. vaccine program, said half the 16,402 volunteers were given six doses of two vaccines in 2006 and half were given placebos. They then got regular tests for the AIDS virus for three years. Of those who got placebos, 74 became infected, while only 51 of those who got the vaccines did.

      Although the difference was small, Dr. Kim said it was statistically significant and meant the vaccine was 31.2 percent effective.

      Dr. Fauci said that scientists would seldom consider licensing a vaccine less than 70 or 80 percent effective, but he added, “If you have a product that’s even a little bit protective, you want to look at the blood samples and figure out what particular response was effective and direct research from there.”

      The most confusing aspect of the trial, Dr. Kim said, was that everyone who did become infected developed roughly the same amount of virus in their blood whether they got the vaccine or a placebo.

      Normally, any vaccine that gives only partial protection — a mismatched flu shot, for example — at least lowers the viral load.

      That suggests that RV 144 does not produce neutralizing antibodies, as most vaccines do, Dr. Fauci said. Antibodies are long Y-shaped proteins formed by the body that clump onto invading viruses, blocking the surface spikes with which they attach to cells and flagging them for destruction.

      Instead, he theorized, it might produce “binding antibodies,” which latch onto and empower effector cells, a type of white blood cell attacking the virus.

      Whatever the vaccine does, he said, it does not seem to mimic the defenses of the rare individuals known to AIDS doctors as “long-term nonprogressors,” who do not get sick even though they are infected. They have low viral loads because they block reproduction in some way that is still mysterious.

      “If we knew what immune response did it, we’d be able to be a lot more efficient in targeting it,” Dr. Kim said.

      Also, the RV 144 tested in Thailand was designed to combat the most common strain of the virus circulating in Southeast Asia. Different strains circulate in Africa, the United States and elsewhere, and it is not clear that the vaccine would have similar results, even in modified form.

      The thousands of Thais chosen were a cross-section of the Thai young adult population, not just high-risk groups like drug injectors or sex workers, Dr. Kim said.

      One of the substances that were combined to make RV 144 is Alvac-HIV, from Sanofi-Pasteur, a canarypox virus with three AIDS virus genes grafted onto it. Variations of Alvac were tested in France, Thailand, Uganda and the United States; it was found safe but generated little immune response.

      The other, Aidsvax, was originally made by Genentech and is an engineered version of a protein found on the surface of the AIDS virus; it is grown in a broth of hamster ovary cells.

      It was tested in Thai drug users in 2003 and also in gay men in North America and Europe; it did not protect them against infection, and Genentech spun off the rights to develop the vaccine.

      In 2007, two trials of a Merck vaccine in about 4,000 people were stopped early; it not only failed to work but for some men seemed to increase the risk of infection.

      Combining Alvac and Aidsvax was a hunch by scientists: If one was designed to create antibodies and the other to alert white blood cells, might they work together even if neither worked alone?

      Mitchell Warren, executive director of AVAC, the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition, which pushes for vaccines and other forms of prevention, was enthusiastic about the trial data.

      “Wow,” he said. “This is a hugely exciting and, frankly, unexpected result. It changes our thinking in ways we hadn’t anticipated.”

      “We often talk about whether a vaccine is even possible,” he added. “This is not the vaccine that ends the epidemic and says, ‘O.K., let’s move on to something else.’ But it’s a fabulous new step that takes us in a new direction.”

      Mr. Warren said the finding showed the need for large human trials, expensive as they are. Studies in mice and monkeys have not been good at predicting what would work in people, and small human trials in which researchers test results by looking for antibodies in blood have limited value.

      Dr. Fauci agreed.

      “This is not the endgame,” he said. “This is the beginning.”…
      schrieb am 24.09.09 13:02:51
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Sanofi-Aventis:Pleased With Phase III Results For HIV Vaccine

      PARIS -(Dow Jones)- Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of drugmaker Sanofi- Aventis SA (SNY), Thursday commended the results of the collaborative HIV vaccine trial that has been conducted in Thailand over the past six years.


      - The Phase III clinical trial involving more than 16,000 adult volunteers in Thailand has demonstrated that an investigational HIV vaccine regimen was safe and modestly effective in preventing HIV infection.

      - According to the final results released today by the trial sponsor - the U.S. Army Surgeon General - the prime-boost combination of ALVAC HIV and AIDSVAX B/E vaccines lowered the rate of HIV infection by 31.2% compared with placebo.

      - The comprehensive results will be presented by the lead clinical investigator on October 20, 2009 at AIDS Vaccine 2009 in Paris.

      - Albeit modest, the reduction of risk of HIV infection is statistically significant. This is the first concrete evidence, since the discovery of the virus in 1983, that a vaccine against HIV is eventually feasible," said Michel DeWilde, R&D Senior Vice President for Sanofi Pasteur, the manufacturer of the prime vaccine, ALVAC HIV.

      - Christopher A. Viehbacher, Chief Executive Officer of Sanofi-Aventis said: " Sanofi Pasteur will continue its long-standing commitment to HIV vaccine research and development efforts by partnering with academia, governments, non- governmental organizations, and other vaccine companies to progress the science, so that one day we will be able to provide access to HIV vaccines to people who need them."

      - By Paris Bureau, Dow Jones Newswires; +331-4017-1740; jethro.mullen@

      (END) Dow Jones Newswires
      Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.…
      schrieb am 24.09.09 13:05:23
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.047.592 von Poppholz am 24.09.09 13:02:51upps, doppelt.

      Ist aus unterschiedlichen Quellen, sorry.
      schrieb am 24.09.09 13:10:21
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()

      selbst wenn die NEWS keinen "schnellen" Erfolg bringen sollte ist die Aktie durchaus interessant.
      schrieb am 24.09.09 13:35:41
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Sanofi Pasteur Says Investigational HIV Vaccine Regimen Lowered HIV Infection Rate In Study - Update
      9/24/2009 7:21 AM ET

      (RTTNews) - Thursday, Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of the Sanofi-Aventis Group (SNY: News ), said that a late-stage study demonstrated that an an investigational HIV vaccine regimen was safe and modestly effective in preventing HIV infection.

      The collaborative HIV vaccine trial has been conducted in Thailand over the past six years involving more than 16,000 adult volunteers.

      According to the Paris, France based company, the final results of the trial were released today by the trial sponsor - the U.S. Army Surgeon General via the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity.

      According to the results, the prime-boost combination of ALVAC HIV and AIDSVAX B/E vaccines lowered the rate of HIV infection by 31.2% among the 16,000 volunteers, compared with placebo. The prime vaccine used in the trial, ALVAC HIV was developed by Sanofi Pasteur, while the booster vaccine AIDSVAX B/E, was developed by San Francisco-based VaxGen.

      "Albeit modest, the reduction of risk of HIV infection is statistically significant. This is the first concrete evidence, since the discovery of the virus in 1983, that a vaccine against HIV is eventually feasible," said Michel DeWilde, R&D senior vice president for Sanofi Pasteur. "Further work is required to develop and test a vaccine suitable for licensure and worldwide use."

      The HIV vaccine trial was executed by the Thai Ministry of Public Health and included a team of leading Thai and U.S. researchers. The U.S. Government, specifically the Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases or NIAID, National Institutes of Health or NIH and the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Department of Defense funded this clinical trial.

      SNY closed Wednesday's last trade on the New York Stock Exchange at $37.21.
      schrieb am 24.09.09 14:14:26
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Sanofi Pasteur Commends Results Of First HIV Vaccine Study
      Published: 24-Sep-2009

      Study shows effectiveness in preventing HIV

      Sanofi Pasteur has approved the results of the collaborative HIV vaccine trial that has been conducted in Thailand over the past six years. The phase III clinical trial involving more than 16,000 adult volunteers in Thailand has demonstrated that an investigational HIV vaccine regimen was safe and modestly effective in preventing HIV infection.

      According to the final results by the trial sponsor - the US Army Surgeon General - the prime-boost combination of ALVAC HIV and AIDSVAX B/E vaccines lowered the rate of HIV infection by 31.2% compared with placebo. The comprehensive results will be presented by the lead clinical investigator on October 20, 2009 at AIDS Vaccine 2009 in Paris.

      Michel DeWilde, senior vice president of R&D at Sanofi Pasteur, said: “Albeit modest, the reduction of risk of HIV infection is statistically significant. This is the first concrete evidence, since the discovery of the virus in 1983, that a vaccine against HIV is eventually feasible. Further work is required to develop and test a vaccine suitable for licensure and worldwide use. Sanofi Pasteur is committed to continuing to engage in public-private partnerships to drive the scientific agenda and build on this very important milestone.”

      Christopher Viehbacher, chief executive officer of Sanofi-Aventis, said: “HIV is bigger than any one company and country. Sanofi Pasteur will continue its long-standing commitment to HIV vaccine research and development efforts by partnering with academia, governments, non-governmental organisations, and other vaccine companies to progress the science, so that one day we will be able to provide access to HIV vaccines to people who need them.”

      The HIV vaccine trial was executed by the Thai Ministry of Public Health and included a team of leading Thai and US researchers. The official sponsor of this trial was the US Army Surgeon General via the US Army Medical Materiel Development Activity. ALVAC HIV, the prime vaccine, is developed by Sanofi Pasteur. AIDSVAX B/E, the booster vaccine used in the trial, is developed by VaxGen.…
      schrieb am 24.09.09 15:05:15
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.047.666 von Poppholz am 24.09.09 13:10:21eines der größten pharma-unternehmen der welt,

      wird an der börse mit 20% abschlag gegenüber mitbewerbern gehandelt (warum weiß keiner...),

      4,5 mrd. euro cash-bestand,

      tätigt eine akquisition weltweit nach der anderen,

      und vermeldet anfang der woche einen weltweiten erfolg im kampf gegen die vogelgrippe (zusammen mit der uno) und heute einen erfolg im weltweiten kampf gegen aids (wieder mit der uno).

      ein unglaubliches unternehmen.

      strong buy!!!!!!!!!!!

      schrieb am 24.09.09 15:09:50
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      wer es schon vergessen hat oder noich nicht wußte: unsere gute alte dame hoechst steckt dahinter :):


      Die Unternehmen Rhône-Poulenc und Hoechst vereinigen ihre pharmazeutischen Abteilungen zu einem neuen Unternehmen: Aventis. Die Impfstoffsparte erhält den Namen Aventis Pasteur.
      Das Gemeinschaftsunternehmen Pasteur Mérieux MSD ändert seinen Namen in Aventis Pasteur MSD.


      Durch Zusammenschluss der Unternehmen Sanofi-Synthélabo und Aventis entsteht gegen Jahresende die Sanofi-Aventis-Gruppe. Die Impfstoffsparte von sanofi-aventis heißt seitdem Sanofi Pasteur.

      schrieb am 24.09.09 15:14:21
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      der Kurs ist noch "zurückhaltend".
      schrieb am 24.09.09 16:01:31
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      In den meisten Artikeln wird SANOFI-AVENTIS nicht namentlich erwähnt. Vielleicht deshalb noch ein "unfauffälliger" Kursverlauf:

      Erste Erfolge bei HIV-Impfstoff
      Aufwind für die Aids-Forschung

      Eine Studie belegt erstmals einen Impfschutz gegen HIV. Nach 20 Jahren voller Rückschläge macht dieser Erfolg den Aids-Forschern neue Hoffnung.
      © dpa

      Illustration des HI-Virus. Einen hundertprozentig wirksamen Impfstoff gegen Aids wird es wohl nie geben, doch US-Forscher haben jetzt einen Teilerfolg erzielt

      Die Ergebnisse einer Studie in Thailand belegen erstmals, dass ein Impfstoff eine HIV-Infektion bei Erwachsenen verhindern könne, berichteten die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO und UNAIDS am Donnerstag.

      Nach Angaben des Herstellers Sanofi-Pasteur gab es mit dem Impfstoff namens RV 144 rund ein Drittel weniger HIV-Infektionen als mit einem Scheinimpfstoff (Placebo). Thailands Gesundheitsminister Withaya Kaewparadai bezeichnete das Ergebnis als "Durchbruch", da es das erste Mal war, dass ein HIV-Impfstoff vorbeugend wirkte.

      Dieser Impfstoff ist bei Weitem das Beste, was wir je gesehen haben
      Ralf Wagner, Aids-Forscher

      An der Studie nahmen 16.402 Thailänder im Alter zwischen 18 und 30 Jahren teil. Unter diesen jungen Erwachsenen waren nicht nur Mitglieder der HIV-Risikogruppen, zu denen Drogenabhängige, Homosexuelle, Prostituierte und Menschen mit häufig wechselnden Sexualpartnern gezählt werden. Die Hälfte der Probanden wurde im Jahr 2006 mit einem Kombinationsimpfstoff aus zwei genetisch veränderten Vakzinen geimpft. Die andere Hälfte bekam ein Placebo.

      Daraufhin wurden bei den Studienteilnehmern drei Jahre lang regelmäßig HIV-Tests durchgeführt. Bis 2009 hatten sich 74 Menschen aus der Placebo-Gruppe infiziert. Von den mit dem Kombinationspräparat Geimpften stecken sich nur 51 mit dem Aids-Virus an.…
      schrieb am 24.09.09 16:13:04
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.049.384 von Poppholz am 24.09.09 16:01:31doch,in ca. 90% aller artikel steht sanofi-pasteur.
      und die expärden und anal-ysten wissen sowieso bescheid.

      schrieb am 24.09.09 17:15:44
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Bin auch zu 49,97€ dabei!
      Jetzt muss sich der Kurs nur noch über 50€ halten, dann wird weiter aufgestockt!!

      PS: In Novartis bin ich auch drin, macht auch viel Spass zur Zeit! :D
      schrieb am 24.09.09 17:32:24
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.050.400 von Datteljongleur am 24.09.09 17:15:44
      Rückblick: Die Aktie von Sanofi steigt in den letzten Tagen stark an. Die Aktie legt in den letzten 4 Handelstagen und heute deutlich zu. Diese Gewinnserie führt die Aktie an den wichtigen Widerstand bei 51,21 Euro.
      An diesem Widerstand scheiterten bereits mehrere Rallyversuche seit März 2008. Ein Ausbruch über diese Marke würde also en starkes Kaufsignal darstellen.

      Unterstützung findet der Wert kurzfristig vor allem bei 48,83 Euro

      Charttechnischer Ausblick: Gelingt es der Aktie von Sanofi, sich in den nächsten Tagen über 51,21 Euro zu etablieren, dann wäre eine Rally bis zunächst 56,20 Euro zu erwarten. Aber diese wäre erst der Anfang, später wären noch deutlich höhere Kurs wahrscheinlich.

      Allerdings muss kurzfristig nun zunächst mit einem Rücksetzer in Richtung 48,83 Euro gerechnet werden. Erst danach stehen die Chancen auf einen Ausbruch über 51,21 Euro gut.

      sollte die aktie nochmal richtung 49 laufen,werde ich fett nachlegen.

      schrieb am 24.09.09 22:30:43
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      In den Artikeln steht immer etwas davon, dass die zweite Komponente Aidsvax von VAXGEN ist.

      Vaxgen Inc. forscht seit vielen Jahren an Aids-Impfstoffen. In der Kombination mit ALVAC scheint ein Durchbruch möglich.

      Die Vaxgen Aktie stieg heute zeitweise um bis zu 170%, kam dann aber wieder zurück.

      Vielleicht könnten sich hier Chancen ergeben...?
      schrieb am 25.09.09 10:43:33
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.053.154 von Jugendwort am 24.09.09 22:30:43mal sehen.

      Momentan ist der Newsflow positiv und ab dem 20. Oktober wird der Kurs schon steigen.

      Auf jeden Fall gibt es keinen Grund für fallende Kurse
      schrieb am 25.09.09 10:46:19
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Sanofi-Aventis CEO: To Budget HIV Vaccine R&D In '10

      PARIS -(Dow Jones)- French drug company Sanofi-Aventis SA (SNY) will set aside funds in its 2010 research and development budget to develop an HIV vaccine, Chief Executive Christopher Viehbacher said Thursday.

      "We'll put the means necessary" to create a vaccine, he told reporters at a press conference on the results of a phase III trial for an HIV vaccination.

      He noted the phase III trial presented Thursday was funded by the U.S. government and not Sanofi. Sanofi's investments were in developing the vaccine, he said.

      "I don't want to hear we can't move forward because there's no budget," he said, without specifying how much he thought the company would set aside.

      -By Mimosa Spencer, Dow Jones Newswires; +33 1 4017 1740;

      (END) Dow Jones Newswires

      September 24, 2009 11:48 ET (15:48 GMT)

      Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
      schrieb am 25.09.09 10:48:12
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Sanofi-Aventis Reports Results of HIV Vaccine Test

      PARIS -(Dow Jones)- Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of drugmaker Sanofi-Aventis SA (SNY), Thursday commended the results of the collaborative HIV vaccine trial that has been conducted in Thailand over the past six years.


      - The Phase III clinical trial involving more than 16,000 adult volunteers in Thailand has demonstrated that an investigational HIV vaccine regimen was safe and modestly effective in preventing HIV infection.

      - According to the final results released today by the trial sponsor - the U.S. Army Surgeon General - the prime-boost combination of ALVAC HIV and AIDSVAX B/E vaccines lowered the rate of HIV infection by 31.2% compared with placebo.

      - The comprehensive results will be presented by the lead clinical investigator on October 20, 2009 at AIDS Vaccine 2009 in Paris.

      - Albeit modest, the reduction of risk of HIV infection is statistically significant. This is the first concrete evidence, since the discovery of the virus in 1983, that a vaccine against HIV is eventually feasible," said Michel DeWilde, R&D Senior Vice President for Sanofi Pasteur, the manufacturer of the prime vaccine, ALVAC HIV.

      - Christopher A. Viehbacher, Chief Executive Officer of Sanofi-Aventis said: "Sanofi Pasteur will continue its long-standing commitment to HIV vaccine research and development efforts by partnering with academia, governments, non-governmental organizations, and other vaccine companies to progress the science, so that one day we will be able to provide access to HIV vaccines to people who need them."

      - By Paris Bureau, Dow Jones Newswires; +331-4017-1740;

      (END) Dow Jones Newswires

      09-24-09 0235ET

      Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.…
      schrieb am 25.09.09 11:01:51
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Schöne Zusammenfassung der Meldungen aus den letzten Wochen:

      Key Developments For Sanofi-Aventis S.A.
      Sanofi-Aventis S.A. (SNY.N) (New York Stock Exchange)

      sanofi-aventis's Sanofi Pasteur Announces Phase III Results Of HIV Vaccine-DJ
      Thursday, 24 Sep 2009 02:20am EDT

      Dow Jones reported that Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of sanofi-aventis, commended the results of the collaborative HIV vaccine trial that has been conducted in Thailand over the past six years. The Phase III clinical trial involving more than 16,000 adult volunteers in Thailand has demonstrated that an investigational HIV vaccine regimen was safe and modestly effective in preventing HIV infection. According to the final results released by the trial sponsor - the U.S. Army Surgeon General the prime-boost combination of ALVAC HIV and AIDSVAX B/E vaccines lowered the rate of HIV infection by 31.2% compared with placebo. The comprehensive results will be presented by the lead clinical investigator on October 20, 2009 at AIDS Vaccine 2009 in Paris. Albeit modest, the reduction of risk of HIV infection is statistically significant.

      Sanofi-Aventis SA's Sanofi-Aventis Europe Raises Stake in Zentiva SA to 78.3%-SeeNews
      Wednesday, 23 Sep 2009 08:00pm EDT

      SeeNews reported that Sanofi-Aventis Europe, part of Sanofi-Aventis SA, has raised its stake in Zentiva SA to 78.3% from 74.9% following a buyout bid. Sanofi-Aventis Europe has acquired the additional 3.4% stake for RON 9.9 million (USD 3.5 million / EUR 2.3 million). Sanofi-Aventis Europe has bought some 14 million Zentiva SA shares at an average price of RON 0.69 per share.

      sanofi-aventis' Sanofi Pasteur Receives Additional Order from U.S. Government to Produce Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccine
      Monday, 21 Sep 2009 12:14pm EDT

      Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of the sanofi-aventis announced that the company has received an additional order from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to produce vaccine to help protect against the Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus. The new order is for the production of bulk antigen equivalent to 27.3 million doses based on 15 mcg of antigen per dose. Specifications for formulation and filling of this new bulk order will be the subject of a separate order. To date, Sanofi Pasteur has committed to the U.S. government a total of 75.3 million doses of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine.

      sanofi-aventis Completes Acquisition of Merck & Co., Inc.'s Interest in Merial
      Friday, 18 Sep 2009 01:30am EDT

      sanofi-aventis and Merck & Co., Inc. announced that the acquisition by sanofi-aventis of Merck`s 50% interest in Merial Limited has been completed. Sanofi-aventis acquired Merck`s interest in Merial for a cash consideration of $4 billion. Merial is a 50/50 joint venture between Merck and sanofi-aventis and is now a wholly owned subsidiary of sanofi-aventis. As per the terms of the agreement, sanofi-aventis also has an option, following the closing of the Merck/Schering-Plough merger, to combine the Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health business with Merial to form an animal health joint venture that would be equally owned by the new Merck and sanofi-aventis. If the option is exercised by sanofi-aventis, the formation of the new animal health joint venture would be subject to approval by the relevant competition authorities. The acquisition of Merial is expected to be accretive to sanofi-aventis' adjusted net income from the first year.

      sanofi-aventis Receives Complete Response Letter From FDA For Eplivanserin (Ciltyri) Submission
      Wednesday, 16 Sep 2009 04:45pm EDT

      sanofi-aventis announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a complete response letter regarding the company's New Drug Application (NDA) for eplivanserin (Ciltyri). Eplivanserin was reviewed as a potential treatment for patients with chronic insomnia characterized by difficulties with sleep maintenance. Sanofi-aventis is currently reviewing the content of the complete response letter, in which the FDA has requested additional information regarding benefit-risk. The Company will contact the FDA in the coming days to request a meeting to discuss what steps and data would be needed for approval.

      sanofi-aventis EU Clears Sanofi-Aventis To Buy Merck & Co., Inc.'s Stake In Merial Joint Venture-DJ
      Wednesday, 16 Sep 2009 05:20am EDT
      Dow Jones reported that the European Commission (EU) approved sanofi-aventis to buy the remaining 50% of its animal health joint venture Merial. Merial was formed as a 50-50 joint venture with Merck & Co., Inc.

      U.S. FDA Licenses sanofi-aventis' Sanofi Pasteur's Pandemic Influenza Vaccine
      Tuesday, 15 Sep 2009 03:22pm EDT

      Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of the sanofi-aventis announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the company's supplemental biologics license application (sBLA) for licensure of its Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine. The U.S. licensed Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine is an inactivated influenza virus vaccine indicated for active immunization of persons six months of age and older against influenza disease caused by pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus. Sanofi Pasteur provides the only influenza vaccine licensed in the U.S. for populations as young as 6 months of age and older.

      Sanofi-aventis and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Announces Discontinuation of Phase 3 Trial For VANILLA
      Friday, 11 Sep 2009 04:05pm EDT

      Sanofi-aventis and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced the discontinuation of the Phase 3 trial that evaluated aflibercept (VEGF Trap) plus gemcitabine versus placebo plus gemcitabine for the first-line treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer (VANILLA), based on the recommendations by an Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC). As part of a planned interim efficacy analysis, the IDMC determined the addition of aflibercept to gemcitabine would be unable to demonstrate a statistically significant improvement in the primary endpoint of overall survival compared to placebo plus gemcitabine in this study. With the closure of the study, a detailed analysis of the efficacy and safety results will be conducted by the companies and results will be presented at a future medical meeting. Sanofi-aventis and Regeneron have notified the study investigators and appropriate regulatory authorities of the decision to discontinue the study. Patients in the study will continue to be provided access to aflibercept at the determination of the study investigators in consultation with the patients.

      sanofi-aventis Announces Phase II Results with Teriflunomide in Patients with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
      Friday, 11 Sep 2009 11:07am EDT

      sanofi-aventis announced the results of a phase II study with teriflunomide a novel orally available immunomodulatory therapy for multiple sclerosis (MS). In a 24-week study, teriflunomide when added to background stable therapy with interferon (IFN-beta) showed acceptable tolerance and safety (primary endpoints) and showed significant improvements of the disease as measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with the two doses tested versus placebo.

      sanofi-aventis To Supply Swine Flu Vaccine To Brazil-DJ
      Monday, 7 Sep 2009 01:13pm EDT

      Dow Jones reported that sanofi-aventis said that its vaccine division, Sanofi Pasteur, has signed an agreement with the Butantan Institute for the production and supply of a vaccine against the A(H1N1) influenza virus for the Brazilian government. The order from the Brazilian Ministry of Health provides for the initial supply of 18 million doses of the new A(H1N1) influenza virus vaccine: one million doses in final presentation and 17 million doses in bulk form. The agreement includes an option for an additional 15 million doses of A(H1N1) vaccine should the World Health Organization request influenza manufacturers to switch production from the regular Southern Hemisphere Seasonal influenza vaccine to the Pandemic A(H1N1) vaccine. The A(H1N1) vaccine antigen bulk will be manufactured in Sanofi Pasteur's facility. Dosage requirements for the new vaccine are yet to be determined and will be based on clinical trial outcomes. Butantan Institute will perform the A(H1N1) vaccine's final formulation, filling and packaging in its Sao Paolo facility. Butantan Institute will also be responsible for distributing A(H1N1) influenza vaccine as directed by Brazilian health authorities.

      sanofi-aventis Announces Study Shows Otamixaban Substantially Reduced Complications of Invasive Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes
      Sunday, 30 Aug 2009 06:12am EDT

      sanofi-aventis announced that the investigational anti-Xa intravenous anticoagulant otamixaban reduced by 27% to 42% the odds of the composite primary endpoint of death, myocardial infarction, urgent revascularization or rescue GPIIb/IIIa use in 4 out of the 5 otamixaban tested doses, versus standard UFH/eptifibatide combination in [non-ST] ACS patients suitable for invasive strategy. The double-blind phase II SEPIA-ACS1/ TIMI-42 study randomized 3241 patients from 36 countries in 6 treatment arms. The study assessed the efficacy and safety of five different doses of otamixaban versus the standard unfractionated heparin plus Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor (eptifibatide), on background of standard dual antiplatelet therapy, in patients with high-risk non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes. SEPIA-ACS1 study showed that otamixaban displayed clinically meaningful activity on the primary endpoint from the threshold dose of 0.070 mg/kg/h, the second tested dose, with a consistent antithrombotic effect up to the 5th highest tested dosage. The lowest studied dosage was prematurely stopped due to insufficient activity, based on recommendation by an independent data monitoring board. Moreover a combined analysis of the intermediate doses (0.105 and 0.140 mg/kg/h) of otamixaban arms showed that otamixaban reduced by approximately 46% (p=0.0198) the risk of the composite of death or a second myocardial infarction, a predefined study secondary efficacy endpoint.

      UCB And sanofi-aventis' Sanofi-aventis U.S. Announce FDA Approves XYZAL For Use In Children Age Six Months And Older For The Relief Of Perennial Allergic Rhinitis And Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria
      Monday, 24 Aug 2009 01:31pm EDT

      UCB and Sanofi-aventis U.S., an affiliate of sanofi-aventis announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved XYZAL (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) for children age six months and older for the relief of symptoms of perennial allergic rhinitis (indoor allergies) and chronic idiopathic urticaria (chronic hives) and for children age two years and older for symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (outdoor allergies). Until now, XYZAL, a once-daily prescription antihistamine in both tablet and liquid formulations, has been used to treat symptoms of indoor and outdoor nasal allergies, as well as chronic idiopathic urticaria in patients age six years and older.

      sanofi-aventis's Sanofi-aventis U.S Announces Real-World Study Showed Cost Savings For VTE Prophylaxis With Enoxaparin Compared With Unfractionated Heparin
      Monday, 17 Aug 2009 08:53am EDT

      Sanofi-aventis U.S., an affiliate of sanofi-aventis announced results of a retrospective real-world cohort study comparing the total direct medical costs of Lovenox (enoxaparin sodium injection) or unfractionated heparin (UFH) for the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) among at-risk hospitalized medical and surgical patients in the U.S. The study demonstrated VTE prophylaxis with enoxaparin was a cost-saving therapy with a statistically significant average reduction of $1,080 per discharge compared to prophylaxis with UFH. These findings were recently published online in the Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis.

      sanofi-aventis Keeps FY 2009 Guidance after US Eloxatin Copies-Reuters
      Wednesday, 12 Aug 2009 04:20am EDT

      Reuters reported that sanofi-aventis has kept its raised full year 2009 earnings forecast after several generic drugmakers launched, earlier than expected, a cheaper copy of the Company's colon cancer drug Eloxatin in the United States. The launch of an injectable generic was expected after the United States District Court of New Jersey ruled in June 2009 that generic drugmakers who had challenged the Eloxatin patent, generically known as oxaliplatin, did not infringe sanofi-aventis' patents. Eloxatin generated more than EUR 1.3 billion in net sales in 2008. sanofi-aventis lifted its full year 2009 guidance in July 2009, saying it expected to achieve adjusted earnings per share growth of around 10% at constant exchange rates, from a previous goal of at least 7%. The Company reported EPS of EUR 5.40 for full year 2008. According to Reuters Estimates, analysts are expecting the Company to report EPS of EUR 6.13 for full year 2009.

      sanofi-aventis Says Multaq Drug Approved In Canada-DJ
      Wednesday, 12 Aug 2009 02:25am EDT

      Dow Jones reported that sanofi-aventis said its heart drug Multaq has been approved in Canada. The approval for the drug follows the green light given to it July 1 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Sanofi-Aventis said that Health Canada had approved 400 milligram Multaq tablets for treating patients with a history of, or current, atrial fibrillation to reduce their risk of cardiovascular hospitalization due to this condition.

      Sanofi-Aventis SA Starts Swine Flu Shot Trial, Files With FDA-Reuters
      Friday, 7 Aug 2009 02:55am EDT

      Reuters reported that Sanofi-Aventis SA said it started human testing of its H1N1 swine flu vaccine on August 6 and filed a supplemental licence application with U.S. regulators. The Company's unit Sanofi Pasteur had told that tests would begin "in days". Sanofi said its supplemental U.S. application requested the Food and Drug Administration to evaluate an influenza A(H1N1) 2009 strain change, which is expected to fast-track the approval process. The Company's U.S. clinical trials will involve 2,000 subjects, who will be give both an ordinary version of the new vaccine and one including an additive designed to boost the immune system.

      Zentiva SA Approves Obligatory Public Offer from Sanofi-Aventis SA
      Friday, 7 Aug 2009 02:36am EDT

      Zentiva SA announced that it has approved the obligatory public offer announced by Sanofi-Aventis SA for Zentiva SA. The offer comprises 104,619,501 shares, representing 25.09% stake of the social capital of Zentiva SA. The nominal value is RON 0.1 per share and the acquisition price is RON 0.70 per share. The offer will run from August 12, 2009 to September 22, 2009. SSIF BRD Groupe Societe Generale SA will act as the intermediary of the offer.

      Drugmakers Including sanofi-aventis Start Trials Of Swine Flu Vaccines-Reuters
      Tuesday, 4 Aug 2009 11:50am EDT

      Reuters reported that Novartis AG has started human testing of H1N1 swine flu vaccine candidates while sanofi-aventis will commence within days. The launch of clinical trials is a key part of a widening programme of work being undertaken by pharmaceutical companies as they prepare for mass vaccination from next month. GlaxoSmithKline said it would initiate clinical studies later this month. H1N1 swine flu, which first surfaced in Mexico in April and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in June, has infected millions and killed an unknown number.

      sanofi-aventis U.S. Introduces BenzaClin Carekit
      Tuesday, 4 Aug 2009 08:26am EDT

      Dermik Laboratories, a business of sanofi-aventis U.S., announced the availability of the BenzaClin (clindamycin 1%-benzoyl peroxide 5% gel) carekit, a prescribing option for patients with acne who want to add a moisturizing agent to their skin care regimen.

      Swiss Nycomed To Buy sanofi-aventis Local Portfolio-Reuters
      Monday, 3 Aug 2009 05:23am EDT

      Reuters reported that Privately owned Nycomed is to buy a portfolio of 20 branded generic products in a number of Central and Eastern European countries from sanofi-aventis. Nycomed will buy the portfolio from Sanofi and Zentiva in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Estonia and Bulgaria. Both parties agreed not to disclose further details on the deal.…
      schrieb am 30.09.09 15:37:37
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      da in 2009 ein absolutes rekord-ergebnis angestrebt wird, dürfte auch die dividende weiter erhöht werden...
      von derzeit 2,20 euro auf 2,40 euro scheint realistisch (und das im jahr der größten wirtschaftskrise...).
      das bedeutet bei den jetzigen 50-euro-kursen eine dividenden-rendite von 5 %.

      alleine das macht diese perle schon kaufenswert.

      dazu ein viel zu niedriges kgv von 8,eine unterbewertung gegenüber den mitbewerbern und die ganze pipeline..............

      strong buy!

      ich sehe ein kursziel von 75 euro bis jahresende!

      schrieb am 12.01.10 12:56:37
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      der Kurs hat sich leider nicht so positiv entwickelt wie von mir erwartet.

      10% PLUS in 4 Monaten ist ja nun auch nicht so schlecht.

      schrieb am 12.01.10 13:01:27
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Hier die letzten Meldungen:

      Sanofi-Aventis SA' s Subsidiary Partners with KaloBios on Novel Biologic
      Monday, 11 Jan 2010 04:20am EST
      Sanofi-Aventis SA announced that its subsidiary, Sanofi Pasteur, partners with KaloBios on Novel Biologic for the development of a Humaneered antibody fragment to both treat and prevent Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) infections.

      sanofi-aventis' Subsidiary Commences Tender Offer For All Outstanding Shares Of Chattem, Inc.
      Monday, 11 Jan 2010 01:00am EST
      sanofi-aventis announced the commencement of a tender offer through its wholly owned subsidiary, River Acquisition Corp., for all outstanding shares of common stock of Chattem, Inc. for $93.50 per share, net to the seller in cash, without interest and less any required withholding taxes. The tender offer is being made pursuant to an Offer to Purchase, dated January 11, 2010, and in connection with the previously announced Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated December 20, 2009, among sanofi-aventis, River Acquisition Corp. and Chattem, Inc. The tender offer is scheduled to expire at 12:00 midnight, New York City time, on February 8, 2010, unless the tender offer is extended. Following the successful completion of the tender offer, sanofi-aventis' wholly owned subsidiary, River Acquisition Corp., will merge with and into Chattem and the outstanding Chattem shares not tendered in the tender offer will be converted into the right to receive the same $93.50 per share in cash paid in the tender offer.

      France Cancels 50 Million Flu Shot Orders From sanofi-aventis And Others-Reuters
      Monday, 4 Jan 2010 04:37pm EST
      Reuters reported that France has cancelled over half the flu vaccines it ordered to combat the H1N1 flu virus, Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot said, in an effort to head off criticism after reserving too many shots. France ordered the vaccinations from Sanofi-Pasteur, a unit of sanofi-aventis, GlaxoSmithKline plc , Novartis AG and Baxter International Inc. The government estimated 94 million individual shots were needed, thinking that everyone would need two jabs for immunity against the illness. Doctors now say a single vaccination is sufficient, meaning that France, with a population of some 65 million has a massive oversupply and is already trying to sell on some of the surplus shots it has received.

      FDA Licenses sanofi-aventis Subsidiary's New Influenza Vaccine
      Wednesday, 23 Dec 2009 05:26pm EST
      Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of the sanofi-aventis, announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the Company's supplemental biologics license application (sBLA) for licensure of Fluzone High-Dose (Influenza Virus Vaccine). The new vaccine, for adults 65 years of age and older, will be available to health-care providers for immunizations administered this fall in preparation for the upcoming 2010-2011 influenza season.

      Sanofi-Aventis SA May Take Zealand Pharma Stake-Reuters
      Wednesday, 23 Dec 2009 02:59am EST
      Reuters reported that, according to Les Echos, Sanofi-Aventis SA is considering taking a stake of up to 19.9% in Danish biotech Zealand Pharma for up to EUR100 million ($143.1 million).

      sanofi-aventis To Acquire Chattem, Inc.
      Monday, 21 Dec 2009 07:21am EST
      sanofi-aventis and Chattem, Inc. announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which sanofi-aventis is to acquire 100% of the outstanding shares of Chattem in a cash tender offer for $93.50 per share, or approximately $1.9 billion. Under the terms of the agreement, sanofi-aventis will commence a tender offer for all outstanding shares of Chattem at $93.50 per share in cash. The offer price represents a 34% premium above the closing price of Chattem's shares on December 18, 2009 and a 44% premium above the average closing price of Chattem's shares during the six months preceding the announcement of the transaction. The tender offer is conditioned on the tender of a majority of Chattem's shares calculated on a diluted basis, as well as the receipt of certain regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions. Following the completion of the tender offer, a wholly owned subsidiary of sanofi-aventis will merge with Chattem and the outstanding Chattem shares not tendered in the tender offer will be converted into the right to receive the same $ 93.50 per share in cash paid in the tender offer. The tender offer will commence in January 2010, and the companies anticipate the transaction will close in the first quarter of 2010. Chattem's Board of Directors has unanimously approved the transaction.

      Sanofi-Aventis SA Discontinues Eplivanserin For Insomnia-DJ
      Monday, 21 Dec 2009 01:25am EST
      Dow Jones reported that Sanofi-Aventis SA said it's discontinuing the development of two drugs, eplivanserin for insomnia and idrabiotaparinux for atrial fibrillation. In a statement updating the situation in its research and development pipeline, which the Company has streamlined since the arrival of Chief Executive Chris Viehbacher, Sanofi-Aventis said it was withdrawing its application with U.S. and European authorities for the eplivanserin insomnia treatment after a letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in September. As for the idrabiotaparinux heart treatment, Sanofi cited a lack of significant improvement for patients from the compound as the reason for discontinuing its development. Sanofi-Aventis SA has pared down its pipeline of drug development under the leadership of Viehbacher, who has stressed partnerships and acquisitions for obtaining new drugs. Sanofi-Aventis SA also said that the FDA has granted fast track processing to its prostate cancer treatment cabazitaxel and that the European medicines Agency issued a positive opinion and a recommendation to grant marketing authorization for its DuoPlavin coronary treatment.

      AEterna Zentaris Inc. Announces Termination Of Agreement With Sanofi-Aventis SA's sanofi-aventis U.S. For Development, Commercialization And Licensing Of Cetrorelix In Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
      Friday, 18 Dec 2009 07:15am EST
      AEterna Zentaris Inc. announced the termination of its agreement with Sanofi-Aventis SA's sanofi-aventis U.S., dated March 5, 2009 for the development, commercialization and licensing of cetrorelix in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) for the U.S. market, following AEterna Zentaris's announcement last week of the results for its European Phase 3 study for cetrorelix in BPH. Termination of the agreement will be effective January 9, 2010. Cetrorelix, a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) antagonist, had been the object of a Phase 3 program in BPH, a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate which, as announced by AEterna Zentaris last week, did not meet its primary endpoint.

      Sanofi-Aventis's Sanofi Pasteur Obtains License From Syntiron To Develop And Commercialize Vaccine To Prevent Staphylococcus Infections-Complete Story
      Wednesday, 16 Dec 2009 09:00am EST
      Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi-Aventis announced that it has entered into an exclusive, world-wide licensing agreement with Syntiron to develop and commercialize its prophylactic vaccine against Staphylococcus, including Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA. MRSA are responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections in humans, sometimes referred to as multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus because these bacteria are resistant to a large group of antibiotics, including penicillins. Syntiron is a private biotech company located in St. Paul, Minnesota; its mission is the prevention and treatment of human disease resulting from bacterial infection. Under the terms of the agreement, Sanofi Pasteur will support the joint, pre-clinical development of the product, working cooperatively with Syntiron, and be responsible for all future developments, regulatory approval, and commercialization of the vaccine. The agreement includes an undisclosed initial licensing fee, milestone payments, and royalty payments on future sales of the product.

      sanofi-aventis Recalling 800,000 Doses Of Children's H1N1 Vaccine-DJ
      Tuesday, 15 Dec 2009 11:48am EST
      Dow Jones reported that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sanofi-aventis is recalling about 800,000 doses of children's H1N1 vaccine after tests showed the some batches of the vaccine didn't meet potency standards. The CDC said there are no safety concerns with the recalled vaccine, which involves four lots, or batches. The CDC said the vaccine's potency, which is a measure of the strength of the active ingredient in the vaccine, 'is only slightly below the specified range.' CDC also said the vaccine in the recalled lots is still expected to be effective in stimulating a protective response against the H1N1 virus.…

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      Sanofi-Aventis meldet ersten Erfolg aus Studie zu HIV-Impfstoff