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User profit007 postete heute Morgen folgendes:

5 de septiembre de 2003 / September 5th, 2003

Media Spotlight GRT (lrm)
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The Spanish TV and motion picture market is quite as competitive as any other major European media market. “Competition has been fierce, particularly over the last 12 months. But, as the overall economic situation improves gradually and the stock markets recover, the concentration process appears to have reached its climax. In the upcoming months, the financial situation will probably ease off so that the remaining companies will have the opportunity to strengthen their market position.” says Banco Pop.Espan.’s media analyst.

There are a lot of examples for trans-national and pan-European cooperations and mergers. In the early days of the internet hype, big was beautiful. Nowadays corporations are much more selective when investing abroad, according to “big is good, but small can even be better”. For instance, take Spanish media company TeleCinco. TeleCinco BW, via its British subsidiary, acquired the German company “DasWerk” (ISIN DE0005412001) this week. TeleCinco intends to revitalize DasWerk in order to extend services into Germany. “The former film editing company is the ideal supplement to our current product portfolio. We always want to surpass our competitors as to customer service and customer convenience; the prestigious German company DasWerk now plays a very important part within our corporation. Our customer-focused philosophy finally resulted in the purchase of DasWerk, preceded by a long decision process. We had searched for the ideal candidate for almost six months. Although we have to invest some funds in DasWerk we will be proud of having saved this renowned brand name from disappearing. This deal is as profitable for us as it is for the shareholders of DasWerk, in accordance with our corporate philosophy of mutual trust and fairness.” explains a TeleCinco manager."

Der Kurs der Aktie stieg danach innerhalb von 60 Min. auf 19c in der Spitze, nachdem einige Boardteilnehmer berechtigte Zweifel an der Echtheit dieser Meldung hatten,(bis jetzt kann man im Internet nichts dergleichen finden) brach der Kurs auf 12 C ein.

Jetzt erholte er sich jedoch, zu meiner Überraschung, wieder und steht momentan in Frankfurt auf .14-.15 bei einem Volumen von 128.413,38.

Ich oute mich nun als einer der Dummen der zu .19 Einstieg, frage mich aber trotzdem wenn hier nichts mehr zu holen ist, warum fällt das Luftschloss nicht wie sonst üblich in sich zusammen? Ich habe schon einige Aktien mitgezockt und bin auch gerne bereit mir die Dinger als Lehrgeld an die Klotüre zu hängen, allerdings mit Verlust austeigen werde ich nach diesem komischen Kursverlauf nicht.

aus der Diskussion: Das Werk Intraday
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Leono01  (05.09.03 16:23:06)
Beitrag: 1 von 3 (ID:10658254)
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