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Here is a list of some of the member groups of "United for Peace and Justice", one of the left-wing groups represented on the Advisory Board of Occupation Watch, the organization that produced the article posted in #1:

Young People`s Socialist League
Young Communist League
Communist Party of Maryland
Communist Party USA
Socialist Action
Youth for Socialist Action
League of Revolutionaries for a New America
Anti-Capitalist Convergence
Anti-Imperialistic News Service

There are dozens of other groups represented on the Advisory Board, which can all to be assigned to the extreme left fringe of the political spectrum.

One member of the Advisory Board is the old student revolutionary of the 60s and Marxist radical Tariq Ali.

Now ask yourself if Occupation Watch is a serious source of information on the battle of Falludscha or any other political subject.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
aus der Diskussion: US-Scharfschützen in Falludscha schießen unbewaffneten Männern in den Rücken
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): spicault  (16.04.04 17:25:31)
Beitrag: 26 von 56 (ID:12767168)
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