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Some of the worst things that happened that you don’t know about. OK? Videos. There are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at [Abu Ghraib], which is about 30 miles from Baghdad — 30 kilometers, maybe, just 20 miles, I`m not sure whether it`s — anyway. The women were passing messages out saying please come and kill me because of what’s happened. And basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children, in cases that have been [video] recorded, the boys were sodomized, with the cameras rolling, and the worst above all of them is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking. That your government has, and they’re in total terror it’s going to come out. It’s impossible to say to yourself, how did we get there, who are we, who are these people that sent us there.

When I did My Lai, I was very troubled, like anybody in his right mind would be about what happened, and I ended up in something I wrote saying, in the end, I said, the people that did the killing were as much victims as the people they killed, because of the scars they had.

I can tell you some of the personal stories of some of the people who were in these units who witnessed this. I can also tell you written complaints were made to the highest officers. And so we’re dealing with an enormous, massive amount of criminal wrong-doing that was covered up at the highest command out there and higher.

Seymour Hersh



Der republikanische Senator Sam Brownback berichtete nach Sichtung der Bilder über Gewalttaten von US-Soldaten in der berüchtigten irakischen Haftanstalt Abu Ghraib von „grausamen Szenen“ mit Leichen, ohne ins Detail zu gehen. Auf anderen Bildern war nach Angaben von Teilnehmern nackte Gefangene zu sehen, die zu sexuellen Handlungen gezwungen worden sein, darunter auch Frauen. Einige Abgeordnete äußerten Zweifel, dass es sich um Einzelfälle handelte.

Rot-Kreuz-Bericht über Guantanamo übergeben
Der republikanische Vorsitzende des Senats-Streitkräfteausschusses, John Warner, forderte das Weiße Haus mit Hinweis auf befürchtete Racheakte gegen die USA auf, keine weiteren Folter-Bilder zu veröffentlichen. Rumsfeld sagte dazu, einer Veröffentlichung stehe unter anderem die Genfer Konvention entgegen, die das öffentliche Zurschaustellen von Gefangenen verbiete.



Die Logik fand ich schon damals beeindruckend: Nicht die Folter ist menschenverachtend und zu verachten, sondern die Berichterstattung darüber.
aus der Diskussion: Zurückgehaltene Folterbilder
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): SittinBuII  (24.07.05 21:17:53)
Beitrag: 18 von 66 (ID:17328903)
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