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things to consider not covered here
by: harold_flashman (M/yorkshire)
Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Buy 10/28/05 11:32 pm
Msg: 88311 of 88345

After reading this board for about 2 years, I`m convinced that many here are industry players, or at least, wonderfully informed by the web. It`s been a long time since I posted on this board, so long that I`ve forgotten my old user ID, and Yahoo UK probably deleted my account now, but now that things are getting pretty hot, it`s about time, so I created a new account just for fun.

Some things not covered here, though. Not to colour everybody`s perceptions, but here goes...

1) IPTV etc. I beg to differ with WinterCFA to some extent. IPTV is a small volume play at this time. It will not help generate such significant. Sales cycle has gone on for 2 years, but will take another year or so for the deals to be closed.

2) nobody here is anticipating the arrival of Apple`s set top box. Since the Apple Ipod Video-edition is on H264, and Broadcom has revealed their hand (can`t decode HD H264), there leaves Sigma as more or less the lone H264 full HD decode supplier.

3) nobody here talks much about the wave of mobile video solutions. Here I`m not exclusively talking about Portable Video players like the Zen or the Ipod Video edition, but small little solutions like this:


The Aivx drives make an excellent mobile solution for cars, home ... implementation does not require a network infrastructure (as in networked DVD players, digital media appliances, etc) because they don`t need to stream. Anybody who`s used a USB flash drive before, can use it. This is a product correct for this time.

Aivx isn`t the only player. I included it only because it`s in the top my the google search. There`re at least 20 brands on the market, and perhaps 10-20 manufacturers for it.

Sigma chips (perhaps the EM8511) which have a long mature history of development (since the Kiss player days) are mature enough now to be robust enough for even automotive applications.

4) Nobody`s looking hard enough at Sony`s response to Apple Itunes+Ipod Video. Didn`t you notice that Sony is a long time Sigma supporter?

5) I didn`t see any mention of http://www.streamium.com/ and the Sigma products in its portfolio. Follows that nobody tried to anticipate the next logical product in this product range. Since this company is already Sigma centric, we need a discussion of this for completeness` sakes, I think.

6) I think we should all use translation software to understand what`s happening in the Far East consumer markets. Yes, everybody knows the manufacturing`s in the far east, but the consumer markets there are booming too, and their requirements are not as what we have here in England and the States, and definitely different from our European neighbours. (yeah, I don`t believe that England`s in Europe)

aus der Diskussion: SigmaDesign - kurz vor break des ATH
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): amorphis  (31.10.05 19:22:06)
Beitrag: 519 von 4,073 (ID:18524808)
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