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3rd Quarter Earnings ?
by: azaria2whistler 11/13/05 12:35 pm
Msg: 88771 of 88771

Back on May 13th 2005 Sigma gave a negative warnings announcement for the 1st Q. and the stock plunged. Back on Aug. 17th they gave a notification of 2nd Q earnings call with no negative warning and the stock accelerated up to eventually peak at 12.50. This is the week for yeh or nay on the 3rd Quarter. If no negative announcement on their earnings call then expect a steady stream of positive news as SIGMA`s new processor starts to ramp up in orders and production. The stock will blow by 12.50 in a flash and as the shorts start to cover 15.00+ is a given!!! Remember that there are only 20 M shares and Tran isn`t going to dilute them to raise capital.
Keep your fingers crossed over the next few days from the good news .
aus der Diskussion: SigmaDesign - kurz vor break des ATH
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): amorphis  (13.11.05 19:43:38)
Beitrag: 591 von 4,073 (ID:18773302)
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