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Ahoi passengers and crew!

A good day today. The sun has returned after some grey and cloudy days and Queen Obducat can continue her journey to the paradise islands. Especially the news about the hearing in New York was good.:lick:

That news made our swedish forumclown "bättre framtid" (or BF) completely nuts. He is now so stressed up that I think he is going to have an heartattack.

He is obviously very very nervous because he knows that his little show now has come to an end.
But maybe our captain could engage "bättre framtid" to do a stand-upcomedyshow on our cruiser. Wouldn´t that be nice. BF on stage, maybe together witg Charly, vomiting on everything that has a connection with Obducat, and all of us in the audience cheering and partying like wildmen.

Oh, please God, make it happen!!

Until then...

Have a nice

and Marco...so...you are a pipesmoker. Have you run out of Rizsla´s
aus der Diskussion: OBDUCAT.......QUO VADIS ???
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): olosch  (24.11.05 14:57:36)
Beitrag: 680 von 25,188 (ID:18965960)
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