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tja - scheint wohl so, dass es doch wieder Verzögerungen gibt. Auf jeden Fall konnten sich die Kabelunternehmen in Israel nicht mit der Regierung bezüglich der Zulassung für high speed Internet einigen.
Da es möglich ist, dass sich damit auch die geplante Werbekampagne für die Boxen verzögert (bis es abzusehen ist, ab wann die Genehmigung erfolgt), kann sich das eklatant auf die Bekanntgabe des Kunden seitens MBX auswirken !!

Ich würde nicht damit rechnen, bevor hier kein Beschluss gefasst wurde. Dieser rückt aber wieder einmal in die Ferne.

Sunday , Sep 24, 2000 Sun-Thu at 18:00 (GMT+3)


Prior to Attorney General Rubinstein Opinion: Dispute Among Cable Companies Over High Speed Internet

By Efi Landau
Cable companies Tevel, Golden Channels and Matav failed to reach an agreement over their answer to Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein`s questions regarding the granting of high speed Internet licenses, before the termination of their franchises.
The eight day period Prime Minister Ehud Barak gave the attorney general to determine whether the licenses can be granted will therefore end without a practical result.
The discussion among the heads of the cable companies over the weekend focused on the questions raised by Deputy Attorney General Davida Lahman-Messer to their attorney David Libai. The questions dealt with, among other things, the evaluation mechanism for fees the companies will have to pay for the extension of their franchises: unbundling debts (for the use of the cable company`s infrastructures by competitors); and the possible legislative separation of content and infrastructure.
At the same time, there have been signs that Bezeq and the cable companies oppose BellSouth`s investment in Eurocom-owned Ofek, and the merger between Ofek and Cellcom in the competitive inland communications market. A cable company senior executive said, "It is unacceptable that Cellcom and Eurocom cooperate to provide communications services using cellular infrastructure, without payment or tender."
The same executive stated that Eurocom, controlled by the Arison family, holds shares in Partner, a controlling interest in YES Satellite, Internet Gold, Bank Hapoalim, Housing and Construction real estate, the virtual mall P1000 and other companies.
Published by Israel`s Business Arena on 24 September 2000
aus der Diskussion: Met@box - der Israeldeal
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Oliver H.  (24.09.00 17:14:10)
Beitrag: 62 von 315 (ID:1911400)
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