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Ich finde der Mann hat recht...

By: reckon $$$$
Reply To: None Friday, 13 Oct 2000 at 1:30 AM EDT
Post # of 8814

I`m still here...

It hasn`t been easy watching the share price sink to these levels. While the market is generally heinous right now and high risk high tech stocks are taking a particular beating, we all know there are other factors that are contributing to UPGD`s share price decline.

Clearly, many shareholders have lost patience with the company and the waiting game we have been forced to endure. It`s hard to blame them, particularly those who can still make out with a profit. The market makers see that a few more restricted shares have come on the market and are acting accordingly. And the current market situation is not an encouraging one to buy in.

However, even if UPGD`s share price goes a bit lower, it doesn`t mean that the company`s existence is at risk, at least in the short term. The company is coming into the final stretch. They have always said that first quarter 2001 is when the real commercialization of the Ultracard would begin. They have enough money, as far as I understand it, to get that far. And if they are forced to dilute some more, so be it. You can bet they won`t have a problem doing more private placements at a low price, particularly as they are much closer to their goals than ever before.

I have faith in the people they have onboard: Donnelly, Seybold, Kehoe, Mann, Nordemann, etc, etc. They have a great product and a market that, I believe, will embrace their technology when it is ready.

However, it is clear, that at least in part what we are witnessing right now is the result of unmet expectations. Every one of us thought we`d hear more before now, particularly concerning joint venture partners. However, what they have done, taken out of the context of those expectations, has been very solid.

I remind you that an executive from North America`s leading card manufacturer, CPI, has refered to the Ultracard as "the technology leader" in card memory, low cost and security. He didn`t say that because they don`t have a product. Seybold didn`t join the team because it`s all a big scam. Neither did all the other industry heavyweights.

However, it is obvious that the company has made mistakes in terms of reading the psychological mindset of its investors. And I know, from corresponding with many Europeans, that they have been led to believe that they would hear about things that haven`t materialized yet. That is, frankly, inexcusable.

I`ve spoken with people who have attended the roadshows and they have all been basically impressed with what they`ve seen and heard. But unfortunately, the larger shareholder community feels as though it has been treated poorly by the company in terms of PR. And that treatment is certainly at least partially responsible for the current decline in share price.

However, in the end, PR has nothing to do with product. All the research I`ve done has convinced me that UPGD`s product portfolio uniquely positions themselves to thrive in the marketplace of the future, in several different sectors. As soon as we hear about some of these "joint ventures" that the slide Danny Walsh saw mentioned as happening THIS quarter, particularly if they are with important industry players, I believe we will see a stabilization and probable rise in share price. Same can be said of Amex. And once the first contracts are announced, those who sold now may be filled with regret.

This story is far from over.

es ist zwar immer super ärgerlich den Aktienpreis sinken zu sehen, aber doch völlig normal daß die Leute ungeduldig werden und verkaufen, es ist halt noch nichts ganz sicher, aber gerade von dieser noch "unsichereren" Situation, versprechen wir uns die proportional größeren Gewinne, klar will jeder und auch ich lieber heute als morgen die Sicherheit daß das Geschäftsmodell wie geplant aufgeht, aber sind es nicht gerade auch die Anleger wie wir die jetzt die Geduld verloren haben und verkaufen und uns so einen miesen Kurs bescheren? Ich glaube mit Lügen wie tillex sagt hat das nichts aber auch gar nichts zu tun. Das ist ein komplexes Geschäftsfeld in das UPGD einsteigt, viele Béreiche von technisch wissenschaftlich bis marktwirtschaftlich ökonomisch, vieleicht auch noch politisch, da passieren jeden Tag Dinge es gibt Veränderungen und immer!!! (zumindest allermeistens)Verzögerungen, deshalb sind die Ankündigungen noch lange nicht falsch! Was aber sicher ist, UPGD darf keinen Fehler machen, das heißt alles muß 100% sein, Fehler für ein Startup sind tödlich und eine solche 100% Exaktheit braucht Zeit.
tillex eine Lüge ist es doch erst wenn die Grundlage auf die ich meine Aussage oder Ankündigung beziehe nicht stimmt, die Ankündigung ist Einflüssen unterworfen und nicht völlig planbar, an den Grundlagen sehe ich keine Lügen oder negativen Veränderungen.
Gruß und beste Kurse
aus der Diskussion: Upgrade 65. Forum wer hat den längeren Atem
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): ErnieEarn  (13.10.00 09:03:27)
Beitrag: 144 von 153 (ID:2063741)
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