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1. Extension of Deadline by which the Borrower must have the Securities and
Exchange Commission Declare Effective its Initial Registration Statement.
Laurus hereby agrees to postpone the deadline by which the Borrower must have the Securities and Exchange Commission declare effective its Initial Registration Statement from June 15, 2006 until June 30, 2006. This modification shall apply to the Registration Rights Agreement only.

2. Postponement. Laurus hereby agrees to postpone the date by which any Fees may accrue and become payable until July 1, 2006 with respect to the Initial Registration Statement

Also diese ganze Sache mit der Laurus-Finanzierung und der Rückzahlung ist für mich ziemlich "undurchsichtig"...wenn nun nicht gezahlt werden kann gehen zig-Millionen Aktien an Laurus über ?!
aus der Diskussion: Wer kauft den hier??
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): RichyBerlin  (14.06.06 09:57:44)
Beitrag: 90 von 141 (ID:22104448)
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