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Es wird immer bunter! Aus einem Artikel der Jerusalem Post geht hervor, dass das Thema high speed Internet jetzt zum Wahlkampfthema werden könnte.
Angesichts des Scheiterns der von Barak propagierten Notstandsregierung unter Einbeziehung des Lekutblockes erscheinen vorgezogene Neuwahlen wieder wahrscheinlicher (obwohl das an den tatsächlichen Problemen Israels nicht viel ändern wird - nicht unter Barak (der zu politisch schwach ist) und schon gar nicht unter Netanjahu oder gar Shamir-die mit ihrer hardliner Haltung den Friedensprozess und fast 10 jahre arbeit zunichte gemacht haben). Wahrscheinlich gibt es gegenwärtig tatsächlich nur noch eine Lösung. Die Seperation. Für die Israelis hiesse das Aufgabe der Siedlungen tief in Palästina (was sie schon seit Jahren hätten tun sollen - was aber politisch nie durchsetzbar war - leider), für die Palästinenser wird das den wirtschaftlichen Ruin bedeuten, da sie im Hohen Masse von Israel wirtschaftlich abhängig sind und weder Ägypten, noch Jordanien, noch Syrien ein Interesse daran hat, sie "durchzufüttern".

Aber das ist nicht Thema dieses threads - ich schweife ab....

Cable companies decry Bezeq`s fast Internet license
By Gwen Ackerman
JERUSALEM (November 1) - The cable companies yesterday accused Bezeq of exploiting the political and security situation to get the Communications Ministry to license its fast Internet service and destroy any possibility of a competitive market.
"Bezeq and the cable companies must receive their fast Internet license on the same day," a statement from the three companies said, a day after the Communications Ministry claimed it had resolved with Bezeq all the outstanding issues delaying the launch of its high speed Internet service.
"After many months during which the attorney-general prevented the Communications Ministry from granting the cable companies a temporary domestic telecom license, the Communications Ministry has surrendered to pressure from Bezeq - which is exploiting the political and security situation and will destroy the chances of competition in the future," the cable companies said.
Ram Belinkov, chairman of Golden Channels, said the cable companies suspected that Communications Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer decided to allow the launching of Bezeq`s high-speed Internet service as a public diversion from the continuing conflict with the Palestinians and a possible way to gain points if early elections are called.
Ben-Eliezer, who has also been pushing for the temporary licensing of the cables, has repeatedly voiced his preference of launching the two services simultaneously to ensure competition. At the same time, the minister has voiced his frustration over the delay in the introduction of high-speed Internet to Israel.
Belinkov said that if Bezeq is granted the Internet license this week, the public could "forget about" competition, which would have insured, at least to some extent, fair prices and good service.
In a statement responding to the cables, Bezeq noted that it had been in close contact with the Communications Ministry over its ADSL service for months and that the progress made in recent days was a result of that long process.
"Bezeq`s board of directors sees no connection between the Communications Ministry`s decision on ADSL and the political situation," the statement added.
Bezeq and the Communications Ministry came to terms on Monday night on almost all the outstanding issues which have so far delayed the launch of Bezeq`s Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), specifically the issue of unbundling (in which Bezeq is to rent its copper-wire infrastructure to competitors).
Last night the two sides were to meet again to discuss the price Bezeq would charge for the service, and if all went well, Ben-Eliezer is to issue the telecommunications giant an Internet license by the end of the week.
aus der Diskussion: Met@box - der Israeldeal
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Oliver H.  (01.11.00 12:17:00)
Beitrag: 127 von 315 (ID:2232832)
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