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[posting]23299186[/posting]Im moment liest man auch einiges über die -auch was abgestürzte- EVERGREEN SOLAR:

...The winners will be those that are first to market - I'm thinking specifically of Evergreen Solar (NASDAQ:ESLR) and Energy Conversion Devices (NASDAQ:ENER). We like the stories of these two companies, but we feel they are very expensive at this time. Recently, we upgraded ENER and ESLR to a Hold, and it looks like a good time to have done it. But there still is considerable downside risk - and they won't be showing profits until 2008.

Aber wie so oft -als sie vor monaten noch höher standen,gab es mutigere einschätzungen.

aus der Diskussion: Barnabus Energy - Frick - Focus Money - Pennystockraketen - SmallCapScout
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): edelupolino  (03.08.06 15:30:35)
Beitrag: 14,045 von 14,318 (ID:23299425)
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