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[posting]24960305[/posting]Hallo tino110

das sehen wohl einige Amerikaner genauso wie du:rolleyes:

Aus dem RB
By: warrenbuffet_1
27 Oct 2006, 06:42 PM EDT
Msg. 4701 of 4701
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Viet: As far as news goes, if you have to call them to put out some news, it is basically worthless. A CEO should not be playing into the hands of the investors.
And saying "we're exploring an expanded partnership" doesn't mean anything. That statement and $0.25 will by you a pack of gum. Hopefully they will get their act together and put out some worthwhile news in the next month or two. Until then, this stock will drop--of course not until the MM's bleed out all the uninformed investors money.
aus der Diskussion: Grant Life und DTL - Vermarktung des Rapid Cancer Tests
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): frickhasser1  (29.10.06 09:54:39)
Beitrag: 7 von 26 (ID:24960664)
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