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Hello to everyone,

here are two joke for the little rebell in us:

There was a little boy playing in the living room with his
new Electric Train set that he`d just gotten for Christmas.
His mother was in the kitchen doing dishes.

The mother heard the train stop and heard her son bellow
out, "All you sons-a-bitches that want to disembark do it
now. Any of you bastards who want to get on had better get
going cause we`re fixin` to leave."

Stunned, his mother immediately dropped what she was doing
and ran into the living room. She yanked her son up and
said, "We don`t use that kind of language in this house
young man! Now you can go up to your room and you can come
out in two hours after you`ve thought about your behavior."

The little boy went to his room and returned to the living
room in two hours and started playing with his train again.
The mother heard the train stop and the little boy say,
"I would like to thank those of you leaving for traveling
with us today. Please don`t forget to take your personal
items with you. For those of you boarding the train, please
store your personal items under your seats or in the
overhead bins. We will be leaving shortly."

His mother was just as proud as a mother could be. Her
heart full of pride, she heard him continue, "And those of
you who are pissed off about the two hour delay, please
see the bitch in the kitchen."

and the second one:

An obviously upset woman visits her pastor. She pleads, "Father, Father, my
children just will not stop cursing. I`ve done everything I know to stop them.
You`re my last hope, what can I do?"

The Father said "Well, have you considered smacking the boys?"

The mother, wide-eyed, replied, "Oh no Father, I thought the Church would frown upon that!"

The Father responded, "In severe cases, we do allow it.
The next time your sons curse, why don`t you try it?"

The mother said "O.K. Father, If the Lord permits it."

The next morning little Johnny and little Jimmy come down to breakfast and the mother asks,
"Little Johnny, what would you like for breakfast this morning?"

Little Johnny says, "I don`t know. Give me some fucking waffles."
Well with that, the mother smacked little Johnny across the face and he slid down the
wall to the floor. Little Jimmy, the younger of the boys, watched in horror.

The mother turned and asked ,"Little Jimmy, what would you like for breakfast this morning?"

Little Jimmy looks at his brother on the floor, looks back at his mother, and replies,
"I don`t know but you can bet your sweet ass I don`t want no fucking waffles."

wish you a good start into the week and MBX well above 5€.

aus der Diskussion: 100.000 Einheiten sind fix, David Coll... und Richard C.... wollen Metabox
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): SnoopysFeedingBowl  (14.01.01 17:08:57)
Beitrag: 37 von 48 (ID:2694972)
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