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` Nur` eine Danksagung:
Ken Ripley, vor dem Mann kann man nur noch den Hut ziehen und mir bleibt nur noch eins zu Sagen - Danke Ken, wir haben Dir viel zu verdanken.
Alle guten Wünsche begleiten Dich......
Kenneth Ripley
Chief Executive Officer


Recent Questions

February 5, 2007

Q: Is there more to the story of Ken Ripley's leaving?

A: When Rob Martin first approached the Board of Directors with the idea of revitalizing the company near the end of 2004, the Board asked who might help make that happen. Rob suggested a life-long friend and business associate of his, Ken Ripley, who at the time was living in semi-retirement with his family near Seattle. Rob knew Ken had the talent, experience and business acumen needed to jumpstart the process. Always ready for a challenge, Ken generously agreed to assist. At the time, it was felt that Ken might only be needed for three-to-six months. That was 24 months ago. During that period, Ken put his life on hold and gave 110% to the effort of improving the company and building the Ashdown mine. He lived on-site at the mine for months during the freezing winters and searing summers. He worked with his hands as well as his mind. He gave not only his time, but also his equipment and his funds. The Board is deeply indebted.

When Ashdown sold its first shipment last week, in essence, Ken had delivered on his promise to the Board to restore the company and create a working mine. While he was encouraged to remain active within the company structure, Ken now wishes to return to his private life in order to spend more time with his daughter Kristen and son Kyle. He remains very supportive of the company and has made himself available for advice and input as we move to the next level.

Our hats are off to Ken for a job truly well done.

Miners near the face of the Sylvia Vein

...einem kontinuierlichem Kursanstieg steht jetzt m.E. nichts mehr im Wege und wenn der Produktionsverlauf zukünftig weiterhin so positiv verläuft, der kann sich in den nächsten 2-3 Jahren auf Kurse bis 3 Euro freuen.

Gruß JoJo:)
aus der Diskussion: GOLDEN PHOENIX MINERALS steht vor der Kursexplosion!
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): JoJo49  (06.02.07 10:06:58)
Beitrag: 111 von 312 (ID:27457035)
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