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.....mal wieder 2 schöne beiträge von ALPHONSUS & TIBBS
ausm HC- board, die dok.welch ausserordl. chance sich akt.
beim BMN- zustieg bieten........

1. http://business.theage.com.au/business/japans-nuclear-sector…

A$77m for a 35% stake in a 23.7m lb project - Quick back of the envelope calculations by my reckoning make that about A$9.28/lb.

Using that per lb value that'd put BMN's 120m lbs at a total worth of cA$1.1b. Obviously thats a fairly raw comparison and light on detail but certainly supports contentions that BMN is well undervalued at current prices.

As Tibb's noted - key question - for how long will this last.

2. Thanks for your figures Alphonsus

Just checking them, they are spot on ... I just upped the Etango resource to 127mlbs from your 120mlbs giving BMN a market cap of A$1.179million, or A$6.30 per share, based on the Japanes consortium purchase of Lake Maitland.

Then remember that Etango is:

1] Still growing & will probably be 200-300mlbs by the time its finished, and

2] They have another 25 km of prospective alaskite anomalies to petentially double that resource again, and

3] They have the Swakof River target deposits which are as large as Langer Heinrich in area, and

4] They are in Namibia. Much better than WA imo, and

5] They are well progressed toward BFS & project go-ahead

Every way you look at it, she is a crazy bargain

.....auch für MICH siehts zzt. nach SCHNÄPPCHEN- zeit aus !!!

aus der Diskussion: BANNERMAN - jetzt auch in Frankfurt
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): hbg55  (03.03.09 11:37:37)
Beitrag: 123 von 383 (ID:36688210)
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