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[posting]36821906[/posting]Es gibte viele kritische Anmerkungen die im HT ohnehin untergehen zu drohen beispielsweise das Umfeld zum Block 1711.

Bereits vor 10 Jahren bohrte Norsk Hydro im weiter unten liegenden Block 1911. Das Ergebnis waren gleich 2 dry holes...wobei bis heute von significant sediments die Rede ist..

Norsk Hydro drilled two wells (1911/15-1 and 1911/10-1) in the area in January 1994 and June 1995 respectively. The wells were drilled following an exploration prospectivity report prepared by Norsk Hydro in late 1990 (the "Norsk Hydro Report"). The report "confirmed extensive rift basins along the Namibian coast indicating good potential for traps and source rocks, and interesting reservoir configurations at different stratigraphic positions in the northern part of offshore Namibia".

Both wells were plugged and abandoned as dry holes having reached total depth in several hundred metres of volcanics thought to be of Aptian or possibly Barremian age. However neither well was drilled through the volcanics to the underlying mid to late Jurassic syn-rift sequence, which shows some clear half-graben structures and significant accommodation space for deposition of sediments.

Notwithstanding the lack of success, the presence of three potential source horizons were established and a number of potential good quality reservoir horizons were identified.
aus der Diskussion: ENG FAKTS, CHARTS, NEWS, NEBENINFOS, ANALYSEN, Erörterung kritischer Sachverhalte zum Thema
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Kursbrecher  (24.03.09 13:59:43)
Beitrag: 11 von 49 (ID:36834666)
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