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WLC - Lithium Leader

FoxTek12 posted on 8/18/2009 7:47:05 AM | 560 reads | Post #94449

"After more extensive dd, I have come to the conclusion that WLC Western Lithium Canada Corp. will be the leader as far as Lithium plays.

CLQ will be a very close 2nd and might surpass WLC from time to time but their share float may hamper their chances.

RM has good acreage and proximity to producers making it interesting.

MCI surely has high potential and their share float will keep them from falling. They plan on expanding their resource starting with a winter drill campaign.

LI (Lithium One) looks ok but after dd I could not find a historic resource on their James Bay claim.



aus der Diskussion: Sehen wir hier eine neue LITHIUM- perle ??????
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Videomart  (29.08.09 00:47:08)
Beitrag: 115 von 167 (ID:37877681)
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