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"Wann immer es einen noch so kleinen Erfolg gibt, weist der Pionier am Neuen Markt in Ad-hoc-Mitteilungen eilig darauf hin - etwa wenn an der Kreuzung
Roermonder/Kackertstraße in Aachen eine Ampel mit Leuchtdioden ausgerüstet wird."

Ich finde, dass dieses Zitat eine Frechheit ist. 1999 hat man mit dieser Ad-hoc den Start eines Pilot Projekts bekannt gegeben. Diese Ampel war halt die erste, das klingt aber so, als würden die jede Mercedes Bremsleuchte mit LED`s, die auf Aixtron Maschinen produziert wurden, per Ad-Hoc feiern. Mittlerweile gibt es aber jede Menge von diesen Ampeln und die haben einige Vorteile: Da die keinen Reflektor haben sieht man auch bei ungünstiger Sonneneinstrahlung, was die Ampel anzeigt. Sie brauchen sehr wenig Strom und halten über 10 Jahre (geringe Wartungskosten). Dazu mal der aktuelle Stand (sogar 10% der Ampeln in Californien nutzen bereits diese Technik):


Success for LED traffic lights in Aachen: from pilot project to regular use in under three years

The City of Aachen will equip a further 110 junctions - which will mean more than half of all junctions in Aachen - with LED traffic lights following the so far successful trial period of this innovative technology at four junctions in Aachen. Installed in Aachen in 1999, the first LED traffic lights, whose advantages - compared to conventional light bulb traffic lights - include significantly reduced electric power consumption, dramatically lower maintenance costs and improved safety due to greater brightness, were so impressive even after a short time that soon further junctions were equipped with LED traffic lights (van-Coels-/Lindenstr., van-Coels-/Nirmerstr., Inde Brücke in Kornelimünster). The first pilot traffic light system was a joint project by AIXTRON AG, Siemens AG and the City of Aachen and is installed on the corner of Kackert-/Roermonder-Str. At the end of last year, the municipal government declared Aachen the "pilot region for LED technology".

The light source in the new LED traffic lights comprises numerous small semiconductor light-emitting diodes (LEDs), instead of light bulbs which have been used up to now. LEDs do not heat up and last for over ten years, which means that maintenance and service cost - which are a heavy burden on municipal budgets - are almost completely eliminated. Not a single LED in the new traffic light system had to be replaced over the past 24 months. In addition, huge power savings were made, as LEDs only require about a tenth as much electricity as light bulbs of the same brightness. In the long-term, this brings significant economic and ecological advantages, which are already being exploited in other countries (USA, Japan, Taiwan, as well as the UK, Sweden, France, Switzerland and Belgium) by more widespread use of LED traffic lights. Recently, the US moved ahead with LED technology as a result of the energy supply difficulties it is currently experiencing (in California, 10% of traffic lights have already been converted to LEDs). An important additional benefit is increased safety: these traffic lights are clearly visible even in bright sunlight due to the brightness of the LEDs. Specular reflections and phantom lights are eliminated.

Following the initial pilot project`s expansion, the project`s initiators feel that their approach has been confirmed, and that they have come one step further towards achieving their goal of replacing the unnecessarily high electric power consumption of traditional technology with modern, up-to-date systems. Experts have calculated that the initially higher investment costs are offset after just one year by the savings on electricity and maintenance. Action is now required from the Federal Government, the federal states and municipal authorities.

At the heart of LEDs are compound semiconductors, which are produced using AIXTRON`s MOCVD (metal organic chemical vapor deposition) equipment, where AIXTRON has a global market share of approximately 60%. Commenting on the project, Dr. Holger Jürgensen of AIXTRON`s Executive Board said, "The economic and ecological benefits offered by these innovative applications from state-of-the-art semiconductor technology are now really visible here in Aachen. This semiconductor technology originating from Aachen is now a key technology worldwide, not just for this signalling application, but for most modern communications technologies. This was enabled by the efficient cooperation between the Aachen University of Technology (RWTH) and the city`s industries. It is now down to the commitment of the decision-makers as to how quickly and consistently this modern semiconductor technology will be implemented to provide great benefits for a better quality of life for all. The "Aachen, pilot region for LED technology" project is an encouraging further step towards this goal, and we will be glad to actively support it."


"Wichtige Kunden von Aixtron wie Siemens, Philips, Alcatel, Nortel und Lucent haben ihre Aktionäre bereits gewarnt, dass die Gewinne im laufenden Geschäftsjahr geringer ausfallen werden als bisher angekündigt.

Vorstand Kim Schindelhauer scheint auch dies nicht zu beunruhigen. "Im Glasfaserbereich investieren auch Unternehmen kräftig, die in letzter Zeit ewinnwarnungen herausgegeben haben", sagte der Aixtron-Chef in einem Fernsehinterview."

Der Autor hätte auch erwähnen können, dass Herr Schindelhauer in diesem Interview auch gesagt hat, dass die angesprochenen Firmen mit Problemen wie Lucent, JDS Uniphase oder Nortel nur ca. 5 % des Umsatzes von Aixtron ausmachen, dann sieht das ganze wieder etwas anders aus.
aus der Diskussion: AIXTRON - DIE LETZTE SCHLACHT !!!
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Oyster°  (27.06.01 01:31:49)
Beitrag: 5 von 806 (ID:3823983)
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