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seit langem habe ich NeuroSearch auf meiner Watchliste... jetzt versuche ich es mal mit einer kleinen Position. REGN habe ich dagegen leicht reduziert.

Die NeuroSearch Position ist recht spekulativ und riskant... in Kürze stehen die ersten PIII-Daten zu Huntexil (ACR16) gegen Huntington an. Huntexil sieht eigentlich recht vielversprechend aus, weshalb ich mal auf positive Daten setze... im negativen Fall ist der Schaden einigermaßen begrenzt. Bisher gibt es nichts derartiges bei Huntington, eine Erkrankung, die schwerwiegend und eher selten ist mit jeweils ca. 35.000 Patienten in Europa und den USA. Die PII sah gut aus und das Mittel basiert immerhin auf der Arbeit des Nobelpreis-Trägers Arvid Carlsson (aus der Übernahme von Carlsson Research).


Huntexil bodes well

We expect that NeuroSearch will publish results from the MermaiHD and HART studies in the course of 2010, and the first results from the six-monthly blinded treatment process under the MermaiHD study are anticipated in early 2010. The results from the HART study are expected to be accessible around mid-2010 and will be followed by the results from the six-month extension study to MermaiHD. In previous clinical studies, Huntexil has shown promising effects against a number of serious symptoms associated with Huntington's disease. Particularly, improvement has been seen in connection with patients’ ability to perform voluntary movements and of their way of walking so they do not experience as many incidents of falling, resulting in improved functionality and quality of life. In phase II, Huntexil managed to demonstrate significant improvement of the voluntary movement by -2.8 points measured as a change from the baseline in modified Motor Score (mMS) against -0.8 point for the placebo group. Also, in phase II, Huntexil demonstrated a significant effect on soft parameters such as depression and anxiety. If NeuroSearch is able to repeat the same effect in the MermaiHD study, the primary endpoint will be reached, and this will pave the way for a product launch in 2011.

The disease occurs at a rate of about one in every 10,000 of European descent, and therefore it is estimated that the total number of patients with Huntington’s disease in North America amounts to about 34,000 and in Europe to about 37,000. We estimate that about 33.3% of these will experience a mild degree of the disease, 33.3% a moderate degree and 33.3% a severe degree of the disease, and therefore they will be difficult to treat. We assess that only patients with a mild and moderate degree of the disease will benefit from treatment with Huntexil, i.e. two out of three patients. This results in a total target group of 47,333 patients of which 22,668 are in North America and 24,665 in Europe.

mfg ipollit
aus der Diskussion: Biotech Depot 2010
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): ipollit  (26.01.10 23:14:03)
Beitrag: 102 von 334 (ID:38818463)
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