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Kleine Rundschau an interessanten Links, die mir meiner Recherche untergekommen sind:

Aus der Zusammenfassung des American Stevia Congress (Februar 2010):
http://www.nutraceuticalsworld.com/contents/view/17865 (lesenswert !)
Kurzer Auszug: "According to Mintel, the stevia industry will grow to $2 billion (= "Billion" ist im Deutschen "Milliarde") by the end of 2011, up from $21 million in 2008. Additionally, Mintel’s research shows that more consumers have knowledge of stevia as a sweetener and that there are plenty of growth opportunities."

Situation Stevia in the EU

"IN CASE OF A FAVOURABLE OPINION BY EFSA (European Food Safety Authority, www.efsa.europa.eu), the European Commission will start preparing a measure for the inclusion of steviol glycosides in the Community list of sweeteners. Such a measure will be prepared like in all other cases in close co-operation with experts from Member States in technical working groups, where foodstuffs and use levels are defined. The measure will be submitted finally for an opinion to the regulatory committee, the Standing Committee of the Food Chain and Animal Health. Upon a favourable opinion by this Committee, the European Parliament has a two month period to scrutinize the measure before it is eventually adopted by the European Commission and published in the Official Journal."

Und schaut was ich hier gefunden habe:
Laut der Agenda für ein EFSA meeting stand Stevia zur Diskussion, im sogenannten "ANS Panel" = das sind jenes EU-Expertengremium, welches die wissenschaftliche Stellung von EFSA zu Lebensmittelzusatzstoffen abgibt - in diesem Fall eben zu den Stevia-Zuckerersatzstoffen. Stevia wurde also DIESE Woche bei EFSA besprochen. Ich werde mal eine e-mail an EFSA schicken und fragen, wie lange es zu einer Veröffentlichung der EFSA Stellungnahme dauert..........

"Stevia Approval soon"

GLG Life Tech Vice CEO at the Stevia World Americas Conference:
DANONE R&D Chief: "I learned a lot, and I have much to do in the lab about applications to improve recipes with Stevia”- R&D Beverage Manager, Danone Group"

Next Stevia Conferences:
2nd Stevia World Asia on 20-21 April in Shanghai
2nd Stevia World Europe on 18-19 May 2010 in Geneva
aus der Diskussion: GLG LIFE - Prepare for the stevia run.....
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Neutracist  (11.03.10 00:24:04)
Beitrag: 21 von 41 (ID:39109772)
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