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Aus den englischen Foren, wo deutlich mehr Interesse besteht als bei uns. ich spare mir GOOGLE-Übersetzungen, wers braucht kann die sicher selber anstossen.

Hi Ian,
I was at the Community Engagement Event at Tyndrum on Thursday, I had assumed it was intended as a publicity excercise for the project but in actual fact it was primarily to meet the requirements of the new planning application process. i.e. as proof the public had been informed and consulted.
That being said however, it was a very well laid out and informative exhibition of the Cononish part of the project, and shows the great lengths the company has gone to to meet and exceed the requirements imposed on it. When it gets up and running it will be regarded as a world leading example of "Green" mining technology.
I was particularly impressed to see some of the sample cores from Cononish with little flecks of shiny stuff occasionally showing in it. The geologist-type chap at the stand said that although most of the valuable metals were in particles of less than a micron in size they were easily separated from the surrounding material by crushing and floatation.
He also explained that the rough terrain drilling equipment they have developed to suit the demands of highland exploration is at the forefront of technology (possible spin-off industry for the area?)
I was told by a reliable source that Chris sangster the C.E.O. was not at the open day because he was at an important meeting with the planning authorities, so possibly some positive news soon.
In my opinion the planning authorities (Parkies) are between a rock and a hard place. They will be desperately looking for some concession that will allow them to capitulate without any Quango mandarins losing face, before the appeal process imposes it on them.
It still astounds me that the planning decision on a project with the potential to help support the Scottish economy for decades to come was left to a bunch of people whose previous major concern was a bit of "Wild Camping" on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond!

D.Y.O.R. Cheers, Bob.

P.S. I'm expecting to see some wild fluctuations in the SP in the next few days as people Bed & ISA etc. for the new tax year.


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aus der Diskussion: SCOTGOLD RES. eine Mine mit Wachstumspotential?
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Faustus100  (12.04.11 11:17:56)
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