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Why Western countries press China to export rare earth - People's Daily Online
Why Western countries press China to export rare earth
People's Daily Online
At the request of the European Union (EU), the United States and Japan, the World Trade Organization (WTO) organized a special group on July 23, investigating, discussing and settling about China's export control measures on rare earth elements ...
China to tighten regulation of rare earths despite WTO probeSteelGuru

all 23 news articles »
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u.a.: Welche Aussichten haben die vielen REE-Exploren die z.Z. sich im Rohstoffsektor tummeln (Marktbereinigung):
Boom in some rare earths may be ending as a shakeout looms

by: Robin Bromby From:The Australian July 30, 201212:00AM

ITS offices are on New York's Madison Avenue and it takes the Austrian economic school as its guide, so what's not to like about investment banking firm Hallgarten & Co?

@ eine erfolgreiche Woche

Grüsse JoJo :)
aus der Diskussion: RAUS AUS LYNAS: Neues vom Rohstoffexperten - Probleme in Malaysia werden den Kurs Lynas belasten
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): JoJo49  (30.07.12 11:43:55)
Beitrag: 74 von 102 (ID:43436929)
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