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Market Update: China Cuts REE Export Quotas by 27 Percent
Friday December 28, 2012, 11:08am PST

China has issued its first batch of rare earth export quotas for 2013, and the total comes in 27 percent lower than the first round of quotas issued in 2012.
Google übersetzt: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&h…

Rare Earth “Mega-company” Taking Shape
Monday January 7, 2013, 4:15am PST
By Adam Currie - Exclusive to Rare Earth Investing News

In a move that reflects China’s intent to retain its dominance over the rare earth element (REE) market, the country’s largest producer confirmed that it is taking steps to gain control of 12 other firms. If successful, it will effectively form the world’s first REE “mega-company.”
Google übersetzt: http://translate.google.de/translate?sl=en&tl=de&js=n&prev=_…

@ ein erfolgreiches 2013

Grüsse JoJo :)
aus der Diskussion: RAUS AUS LYNAS: Neues vom Rohstoffexperten - Probleme in Malaysia werden den Kurs Lynas belasten
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): JoJo49  (08.01.13 11:13:26)
Beitrag: 100 von 102 (ID:43993669)
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