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[posting]44206288[/posting]Hallo Tschonko, obwohl ich versucht habe, halbwegs auf dem laufenden zu bleiben, war ich jetzt über das Ergebnis auch überrascht. Ob es weiter so gut läuft? Ist bei Solartron immer etwas Kaffesatzleserei, aber die Indizien sehen ganz gut aus.
Leider steht in den Anmerkungen zur Bilanz nichts über neue Aufträge oder Aktivitäten etc - wie immer. Aber die Passagen zu den uralten Lieferverträgen mit den Supplieren fand ich ganz interessant:

Being advance payment for the supply of machinery and equipment for solar cell factory with a foreign cell factory supplier amounting to Euro 17.9 million, the Company had paid partial advance payment of Euro 5.60 million (Baht 263.00 million). Subsequently, during 2011, both parties had negotiated and amended the contract value to Euro 11.30 million. Therefore, as of 31 December 2011, the Company had remaining commitment amounting to Euro 5.79 million (Baht 236.58 million)
During May 2012, the Company had additionally paid Euro 2.0 million (approximately Baht 80.38 million). In September 2012, the Company entered into another supplementary agreement to change the contract value from Euro 11.39 million to Euro 13.89 million and the cell factory supplier agreed to increase the production capacity from 58.95 MW to 70 MW. The Company is not required to pay for the additional amount of Euro 2.5 million but the cell factory supplier will claim this amount from the wafer supplier who the Company had previous paid totalling Euro 2.5 million (Baht 119.90 million) (Note 16)

During 2006 and 2007, the Company had entered into two Long Term Wafer Supply Agreements with a foreign company (wafer supplier). Under the agreements, the Company agrees to pay a non-refundable and irrevocable advance payment totalling Euro 12.0 million whereby payments were to be made from 2006 to 2009. During 2006, the Company had paid advance payment totalling Euro 2.16 million and had the remaining commitment of Euro 9.84 million of which the Company had negotiated the payments of this advance payments for several times.
In September 2012, the Company has entered into supplemental agreement with the supply of machinery and equipment for solar cell factory supplier (Note 11). One of the main conditions is to terminate these two Long Term Wafer Supply agreements of Euro 12.0 million including the remaining commitment of Euro 9.84 million, including the advance payments of raw material and deferred charges totalling Euro 2.5 million that the Company previously paid to the wafer supplier shall be transferred to the solar cell factory supplier.

Im Detail muss man sich das in den Notes anschauen. Wenn sie aber im Ergebnis meinen dass es Sinn macht, die Kapazität der Zellfabrik auf 70MW zu erhöhen, hoffe ich mal, dass sie Grund dazu haben...
Ansonsten lässt sich feststellen, dass in den grosen Zeitungen Thailands seit mindestens 1 Jahr PV regelmässig ein Thema ist und über geplante Projekte berichtet wird. Flaschenhals ist aber nach wie vor die Deckelung mittels notwendiger Genehmigung. Andererseits sind neben Solartron inzwischen eine Reihe anderer Firmen unterwegs, sowohl thailändische, als auch ausländische wie zB Conergy.
aus der Diskussion: Börsenneuling Solartron
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): cmeise  (02.03.13 13:33:29)
Beitrag: 1,947 von 2,263 (ID:44206661)
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