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...und weil Einige hier so grosse Stücke auf die Konkurrenz halten, empfehle ich folgenden Absatz aus dem Interview zu lesen, dann stellt man schnell fest, dass man ruhigen Gewissens von Dyesol als Weltmarktführer in dem Gebiet ssDSC sprechen kann;):

AK: Wes wants to know, who are you racing against developing similar technologies?

RD: A very good question,..Yes. We really are at the forefront... The emerging competitor is Oxford Photovoltaics, a spinout from Oxford University, so it does certainly give our technology a great deal of credibility to have such a well-regarded opponent or competitor,.. but we’ve been at this quite a lot longer and spent quite a lot more money than Oxford. ..And of course we recognise that there’s room for more than one company in the space, ..but between Oxford and Dyesol I believe we’ve got most of the technical challenges covered. Importantly we’ve done an IP search which demonstrates that Dyesol has priority over Oxford in just about every relevant part of the technology, so we’re feeling pretty confident.
aus der Diskussion: Greatcell Solar Ltd. (GSL) --- ehemalige Dyesol Ltd -- Solarwert an der Australischen Börse
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Investor259  (28.10.15 11:23:19)
Beitrag: 52,189 von 56,993 (ID:50950386)
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