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In einem White Paper erläuterte BTL vor kurzem das enorme Potenzial der Blockchain-Technologie im Energiesektor, beispielsweise beim Energiehandel aber via Internet of Things auch z.B. beim Transfer von Öl und Gas in Pipelines:


Nearly 30 percent of executives at corporations with $500 million or more of reported annual revenues surveyed by Deloitte for a Dec. 2016 report said their companies had made investments of $5 million or more to come up with blockchain solutions that could automate and improve data and communications security. Furthermore, more than half said their companies would “be at a competitive disadvantage if it did not adopt blockchain technology,” BTL points out.

“The blockchain-enabled energy enterprise can be visualized today. Imagine gas pipelines, equipped with connected sensors, communicating securely and reliably with one another, autonomously updating volume, temperature, and flow pressure measurements in real-time over a platform that does not require costly central IT infrastructure to broker information,” the authors explain.

“The current process of moving gas from field to subterminal to terminal is burdened by legacy processes and labour intensive manual activities that often result in reported flow volume discrepancies between counterparties. These discrepancies necessitate a data reconciliation process that has been reported to consume multiple days per month.”

“Reconciliation is baked into the process of adding data to the chain. Data entry errors are eliminated, as entries inconsistent with information held by counterparties will not be validated and added to the record. Such inconsistencies will automatically be flagged for operators or volume management teams to resolve immediately. A transparent and synchronized distributed ledger provides immediate settlement and an authoritative record of gas estimates, when they were provided, and who signed off on them.”

Die Potenziale für BTL sind also enorm. Die Frage ist, wie schnell kann das Unternehmen diese tatsächlich in Umsätze und Gewinne verwandeln. Die Vorschusslorbeeren für die Aktie sind bei der aktuellen Marktkapitalisierung gewaltig und die Monetarisierung scheint noch in weiter Ferne.
aus der Diskussion: BTL Group - Kanadischer Tenbagger im explodierenden Blockchain-Segment: Sind die Gewinne nur der Anf
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): ArminBrack  (07.06.17 16:52:01)
Beitrag: 3 von 13 (ID:55097278)
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