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Hi Investoren, i Leute,
ich habe THC geschrieben was bei Ihnen so los ist. Aktie stürzt ab ect.ect.
Antwort kam sofort.

Hello Roools,

Thank you for your email.

The executive search is now well advanced and there is news to come on operational developments, including potential for major de-risking milestones, but I understand some shareholders perceive the board change negatively at this early stage.

THC will soon communicate a number of developments to the market and reinforce that the process is well advanced. This should instill more confidence. Feel free to call me at any stage.

Thank you for your feedback.


Michael Lovesey

Director, Corporate Media Relations

MMR Corporate Services Pty Ltd

p: +61 2 9251 7177 m: +61 449 607 636

a: Level 2, 131 Macquarie Street, Sydney, 2000

w: www.mmrcorporate.com e: michaell@mmrcorporate.com

Ich sag ja, in der Ruhe liegt die Kraft.
Wünsche allen ein schönes Wochenende.
LG Roools
aus der Diskussion: thc hydroponics company
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Roools  (13.04.18 17:17:28)
Beitrag: 9 von 90 (ID:57538655)
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