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Zitat von deadflowers: Eine der großen offenen Fragen zu CAR-T ist allerdings, wie das alles finanzierbar sein soll. Das betrifft die Therapie selbst und die sehr teure lebenlange IVIG Gabe. Wenn man das in der Breite einsetzt, läuft das ganzes System aus dem Ruder. M.E. unbezahlbar, und eigentlich nicht vorstellbar, dass es bei Patienten zum Einsatz kommt, wo es noch andere Therapiemöglichkeiten gibt.

Kritischer Artikel im NEJM zu CAR-T-Therapien und deren Kosten und Nutzen für Patienten und Public Health:

The two approved CAR-T therapies have boxed warnings regarding serious side effects, and each costs about $400,000. Ancillary costs include initial leukapheresis and inpatient stays that may be necessitated by frequent treatment complications, which may result in administration of tocilizumab (up to four doses at $2,500 per dose). Hernandez and colleagues estimate that these ancillary costs would average around $33,000 per patient; media reports suggest a figure 10 times as high.2

CAR-T therapies have broken new ground on many fronts — they have shown efficacy in patients who previously had few options, but they cost multiple times what any previously approved cancer therapy costs. Their rapid approval based on small, uncontrolled studies reflects their promise. But they are no panacea. Ms. Kearney died a few weeks after receiving her dose of the CAR-T therapy that cost nearly $400,000, and she endured an extended hospital and ICU stay along the way. She told WBUR reporter Richard Knox that she knew death was a possible outcome, and she was grateful for the chance to receive a possibly effective treatment — a reminder of what’s at stake for Medicare patients when CMS considers CAR-T therapy coverage. If Medicare chooses to cover this therapy, it should think carefully about how to do it.

aus der Diskussion: Morphosys – fachliche Überlegungen zur Entwicklungspipeline
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): rollingovermilestones  (16.08.18 10:51:11)
Beitrag: 767 von 772 (ID:58461202)
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