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"Across the entire e-cigarette category, the FDA is considering restricting manufacturers from selling flavored nicotine liquid or making the products undergo an agency review. Products that were on the market before Aug. 8, 2016, were supposed to start undergoing review this year until Gottlieb extended the deadline until Aug. 8, 2022, so manufacturers would have more time to file complete applications.

Anti-tobacco groups applauded the idea but said the FDA’s actions didn’t go far enough. They want to see the agency to stick to the original deadline of this year and restrict the use of flavors."

Das steht in dem Link zur FDA weiter oben.

Wie kann so ein Anstieg heute geschehen wenn so eine Meldung heute erscheint?!?!?!
aus der Diskussion: Altria Group Inc. - News und Diskussionen
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): mazell  (12.09.18 22:59:48)
Beitrag: 617 von 1,579 (ID:58686348)
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