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[posting]59272363[/posting]@faultcode: Vielen Dank für diesen interessanten Thread. Werde ich mir bei Gelegenheit in Ruhe durchlesen. Dazu passend ein neuer Blog-Beitrag von Ruerd Heeg auf Seeking Alpha: https://seekingalpha.com/instablog/5978721-ruerd-heeg/523925…

"After my previous blog the company published great results. Gross margins were unbelievably high, much higher than those of other car manufacturers. That is weird with all the reported inefficiencies in production and delivery hell. In addition I think the company under-reserves for warranty costs. I think Q3 profit is just a one-time event and won't be repeated in the next quarters.

I do not think there is direct public evidence of fraud at Tesla. It was suspicious though that the Chief Accounting Officer left after a month. That was in September just before the company announced great results in October. Apart from an accounting miracle he left a lot of money in options on the table."

Twitter is a good source for the latest news on Tesla, including new findings suggesting fraud at Tesla. For example today I saw a thread suggesting Tesla sold cars in Q3 without removing them from the inventory and without doing the necessary cost accounting. Unfortunately I have not saved it. Here is my thread on Twitter on Tesla's inventory, for 2 days ago. Tesla probably overstated its finished goods inventory in its 10-Q over the third quarter of 2018. Let me know what you think.

Nichts ist spannender als Wirtschaft :)
aus der Diskussion: ROUNDUP/'WSJ': FBI ermittelt wegen Falschangaben zu Model 3 gegen Tesla
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): ArminBrack  (22.11.18 10:28:42)
Beitrag: 50 von 10,213 (ID:59275195)
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