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[posting]59763333[/posting]...man bedenke, momentan beschäftigt Geron 15 FTE (Full Time employees) und beabsichtigt, den Personalstand bis Ende des Jahres auf 30-40 zu erhöhen.
Man rechnet mit einmaligen Kosten in Höhe von 10-15m USD für den Technologie-Transfer von Janssen nach Geron und für 2019 ein Ressourcenverbrauch in Höhe von 65-70mUSD.
Hierin enthalten sind Kosten für den Einkauf von Rohmaterial und andere Dinge, um für den "clinical supply" das entsprechende Material zur Verfügung zu haben.
Dies reicht nach meiner festen Überzeugung nie und nimmer, um dieses Jahr noch eine ph3-Studie zu starten! Die Firma erweckt jedoch einen anderen Eindruck: --> "the Company had approximately $182 million in cash and marketable securities, which is expected to be sufficient to support its plans to initiate the Phase 3 clinical trial of imetelstat in lower risk MDS by mid-year 2019."

Aber das ist ja nicht neu bei den Ankündigungen - man übertreibt, dass sich nicht nur Balken sondern der ganze Dachstuhl biegt.


The Company expects its operating expenses to increase as it assumes full responsibility for the development and potential commercialization of imetelstat. For fiscal year 2019, the Company expects its operating expense burn to range from $65 to $70 million, of which approximately $10 to $15 million represent one-time costs, such as imetelstat program transition activities, including the transfer of the investigational new drug (IND) sponsorship from Janssen to Geron, and purchase of raw materials and other supplies in preparation for new drug manufacturing. In addition to the one-time costs, the preliminary 2019 operating expense guidance includes costs for the expansion of the internal development team, the global Phase 3 clinical trial in lower risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and the opening of a New Jersey office. According to current hiring plans, the Company expects the total number of full-time employees to grow to be approximately 30 to 40 by year-end 2019, with half being research and development personnel. As of December 31, 2018, the Company had approximately $182 million in cash and marketable securities, which is expected to be sufficient to support its plans to initiate the Phase 3 clinical trial of imetelstat in lower risk MDS by mid-year 2019.
aus der Diskussion: Geron mit Hammernews!!
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Cyberhexe  (01.02.19 08:44:07)
Beitrag: 3,008 von 3,090 (ID:59763936)
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