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Financial guidance for 2019

Based on the current market outlook, we expect our sales to increase, and our aEBIT* to increase significantly from the 2018 aEBIT (EUR 63.8 million) without the provision for the ilmenite smelter project.

*Excluding restructuring- and acquisition-related items, as well as PPA amortizations...

=> Schadensprovision in SA ("provision for the ilmenite smelter project"):

Outotec has made a EUR 110 million provision for possible costs relating to the ilmenite smelter project in Saudi Arabia (Stock Exchange Releases on May 31, 2012; October 26, 2018; October 30, 2018 and February 8, 2019).

The currently estimated provision is based on progress made with the analysis of the furnace. The provision is booked in Outotec's fourth quarter 2018 result. The outcome of the analysis, together with other factors such as Outotec's contractual position, will determine the eventual liability and financial impact of this incident for Outotec.

aus der Diskussion: Anlagen- und Maschinenbau für Minenbetreiber etc.
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): faultcode  (08.02.19 13:26:56)
Beitrag: 51 von 117 (ID:59824404)
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