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1 hr. 35 min. Van Wilder (Ryan Reynolds) might be starting his seventh year at Coolidge College, but graduation is the furthest thing from his mind. Armed with a personal assistant and a coterie of admirers, Van has reached the status of living legend on campus, throwing bashes that make geeks popular, raise money for charity and generally "inspire the uninspired." But when Van`s father refuses to pay any more of his son`s tuition bills, Van must turn to party planning for profit in order to continue living in under-graduate bliss, thereby becoming the subject of an exposé by disapproving school journalist Gwen Pearson (Tara Reid). What begins as a clash of wills, however, soon leads to unexpected romance as Van and Gwen both realize they have a lot to learn from each other. The only problem: Gwen`s self-obsessed, frat house boyfriend, Richard, who`s determined, at any cost, to put a stop to Van`s rule as campus king.
MPAA Rating: R for strong sexual content, gross humor, language and some drug content.

der Film dürfte nicht viel gekostet haben , da Komödien ohne teure Stars meist recht billig sind. Unter den Users kommt der Film jedenfalls gut an. Das lässt hoffen.
American Pie wurde ja auch in den Boden geredet , hatte aber enorm viele Zuschauer. Es ist halt seichte Kost.
aus der Diskussion: In-Motion, noch halten bis zur Ad-Hoc oder lieber verkaufen?
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): German2  (07.04.02 22:02:21)
Beitrag: 1,148 von 1,938 (ID:6038765)
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