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Irgendwie scheint er schon einige Charaktereigenschaften von einer Glücksspielernatur zu haben, von welchen manche auch ihr gesamtes Hab und Gut verzocken....

Bloomberg reported at some point in 2018, Musk asked banking giant Morgan Stanley if he could borrow against his SpaceX shares. They politely refused. In December, Musk was forced to find new money to “prop up” SpaceX’s “stretched balance sheet” after failing to raise $750 million.

Wegen dem "margin calls" wird nur von einer Spanne zwischen 200 und 240 Dollar erwähnt, leider nichts Genaues....

“The price which he will be margin called is somewhere between $200 and $240. Once that happens, they will begin liquidating his shares which will start a vicious cycle. This will be similar to the short squeeze Elon’s been trying to engineer, but this time it will be DOWN. Traders like myself will front run the f**k out of his forced liquidation.

“This fear of margin calls is one of the reasons he refuses to raise more capital. Tesla would be fine if Elon could raise a few billion via equity markets. But doing so would dilute existing shareholders, which would drive the stock price down (Big picture: the company would be in great shape again, but shareholders might be looking at years until the share price is back up to $300). So, because of his margin loan, Elon can’t issue more stock because of his personal greed and high risk taking.

“That’s where we are now; Elon uses every accounting hack and gimmick he can come up with to keep the company solvent on paper. It’s a losing battle. A Chapter 11 bankruptcy is what should be done now, but that would financially ruin him, so he’s all in. Unless he pulls a rabbit out of his hat, Chapter 7 is inevitable, and it’s his GREED that is to blame. Not any conspiracies. Elon was greedy and cornered himself by being way over-leveraged.”

aus der Diskussion: Wann platzt die TESLA-Blase
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): AlphaOne_  (25.04.19 20:21:17)
Beitrag: 69,080 von 207,589 (ID:60425370)
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