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[posting]60466619[/posting]Israeli Researcher Claims DuPont Colluded with Nazi Germany
5/10/2019 10:17:00 AM Eugenics, GMO, History

Israeli researcher claims chemical giant DuPont colluded with Nazi Germany to create eugenics programs

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Source: Natural News | By Ethan Huff

(Natural News) A doctoral candidate at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem says that research he’s been conducting has led him to the conclusion that chemical giant DuPont had a well-established relationship with the Nazis in Germany both before and during World War II, and was working with the Hitler regime to develop eugenics programs against targeted enemies.

According to Nadan Feldman, as many as 150 United States corporations had similar such ties to the Nazis. But he claims that DuPont, like other drug and chemical companies at the time, were especially close to Hitler, working in lockstep with the political movement more out of a shared sense of ideology and belief, as opposed to simply for profit.

After poring through many years’ worth of financial and regulatory reports, including back-and-forth correspondence between DuPont executives and the Nazis, Feldman determined that “the main motive” of DuPont’s involvement with German powers during the 1930s and 1940s was simply to further the cause of the Nazis.

“The researcher pointed out that DuPont executives began providing support to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in the 1920s, well before the 1932 elections which led to the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in the country in 1933,” Haaretz reports.

“In addition to financial support to Hitler, executives allegedly provided financial support to extremist groups in the United States itself, and expressed an interest in causes taken up by the German fascists, such as eugenics and the theory of racial superiority,” the Israeli news outlets adds, noting that one of these executives was former DuPont president Irenee du Pont, according to Feldman.


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DuPont partnered with IG Farben to share “critical knowledge for war production”

There were others involved in these Nazi partnerships as well, including the infamous IG Farben drug company, which would later bear the more well-known drug company offshoot known as Bayer.

According to Feldman, DuPont established a technology-sharing agreement with IG Farben that allowed the exchange of “critical knowledge for war production.” In turn, this allowed the Nazis “to start the war,” Feldman maintains, with the development of new technologies such as synthetic rubber.

This partnership between DuPont and the Nazis, and presumably IG Farben, lasted until 1943, which was well into World War II after Nazi Germany had already made considerable headway in taking over much of Europe. It also lasted beyond the point when the Nazis attacked the USSR, and even after the Nazis declared war on the U.S. itself.

“Ties were only formally cut after Germany confiscated the assets of U.S. companies in September 1943,” reveals Sputnik News.

Keep in mind that Bayer, which was created by IG Farben, purchased the world’s most evil corporation, Monsanto, back in 2016 for, get this, $66 billion. A $66 billion purchase in 2016, by the way, includes three 6s – which probably wasn’t an accident.

“The combined name, of course, should be ‘MonSatanFarben’ because Bayer is an offshoot of Interessengemeinschaft Farben (IG Farben), the Nazi-era chemical company that worked with Adolf Hitler to develop and deploy deadly chemical weapons against humanity,” joked Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.

Did the U.S. government support DuPont and other Nazi-sympathizing companies during WWII?

What really bothers Feldman is his perception that many U.S. firms maintained relationships with the Nazis during WWII, “undisturbed and even with the tacit support of the U.S. administration despite the growing threat of Hitler’s regime to the welfare of Europe and the West.”

One of these companies was IBM, which reportedly developed the technology that the Nazis used to keep track of prisoners as they were shuffled around between concentration camps.

As we recently reported, IBM is actually now working on “new and improved” blockchain versions of these older technologies that the New World Order will presumably use to maintain ultimate control over people’s lives.

For more news about how major corporations are actively developing technologies to enslave the planet, be sure to visit PopulationControlNews.com.

Other U.S. companies that Feldman says worked with the Nazis include Standard Oil, General Motors, Ford, ITT, and Union Banking, the latter of which is said to have helped Germany secure the loans it needed to fund equipment and supplies throughout the war.

“Without the mobilisation of corporate America for Nazi Germany, it is very doubtful whether Hitler could have started the war, doubtful whether he would have succeeded in rehabilitating the German economy – certainly not at the speed and strength he achieved in the ’30s,” Feldman contends.

Feldman also says he finds it “doubtful” that any historian, including himself, will ever fully understand how the corporate executives in charge of these companies “could give so much help to such a strong, cruel and fanatic enemy … It’s also doubtful whether we’ll be able to understand why every one of them avoided punishment.” ...



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Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (10.05.19 21:30:26)
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