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Wall street's Naked short Swindle, $3.87 trillion dollar lawsuit.

Published on Apr 6, 2010

Its the largest fraud case in world history. Between June of 2004 and October of 2005, over 2 trillion dollars worth of fake (naked short) CMKM Diamonds Inc. shares were sold to the public. The companys shareholders are now suing the S.E.C Commissioners for 3.87 trillion dollars. Tim Barello from the Manhattan Headlines Examiner joins Alyona from New York to tell you more.

Matt Taibbi also has good utube on Naked short manipulations in the market.

Defendants: CHRISTOPHER COX, an individual; MARY L. SCHAPIRO, an individual; CYNTHIA A. GLASSMAN,

an individual; PAUL S. ATKINS, an individual; ROEL C. CAMPOS, an individual; ANNETTE L. NAZARETH, an individual; TROY A. PAREDES, an individual; LUIS A. AGUILAR, an individual; ELISSE B. WALTER, an...


20.06.2019 | 06:20

Presse: Deutscher Bank droht neuer rechtlicher Ärger in USA ... (... eigenTOR ...)

Die US-Justizbehörden gehen einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge einem Verdacht wegen möglicher Verstöße der Deutschen Bank gegen Anti-Geldwäschegesetze nach. Das schrieb die "New York Times" am Mittwoch (Ortszeit) unter Berufung auf sieben eingeweihte Quellen.

Teil der Untersuchung sei, wie das Geldhaus mit Berichten von Mitarbeitern über möglicherweise problematische Transaktionen verfahren sei. Einige dieser Berichte stünden im Zusammenhang mit US-Präsident Donald Trump und dessen Schwiegersohn Jared Kushner.

Die strafrechtliche Überprüfung der Deutschen Bank sei Bestandteil einer größeren Untersuchung zu illegalen Geldströmen im US-Finanzsystem. Hierbei würden auch mehrere andere Banken überprüft.

Eine Sprecherin der Deutschen Bank in New York wollte sich auf Nachfrage nicht zu dem Zeitungsbericht äußern. Sie bekräftigte aber, ... (... einen kräftigen Schluck aus der Pulle zu nehmen ...)



Business News ... :yawn: ...
June 19, 2019 / 10:40 PM / Updated 28 minutes ago

Deutsche Bank faces investigation for possible money-laundering lapses: NYT



Deutsche Bank faces criminal investigation for potential money laundering lapses
By David Enrich, Ben Protess and William K. Rashbaum
June 20, 2019 — 7.42am

Federal authorities are investigating whether Deutsche Bank complied with laws meant to stop money laundering and other crimes, the latest government examination of potential misconduct at one of the world's largest and most troubled banks, according to seven people familiar with the inquiry.

The investigation includes a review of Deutsche Bank's handling of so-called suspicious activity reports that its employees prepared about possibly problematic transactions, including some linked to President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, according people close to the bank and others familiar with the matter.

The criminal investigation into Deutsche Bank is one element of several separate but overlapping government examinations into how illicit funds flow through the US financial system, said five of the people, who were not authorized to speak publicly about the inquiries. Several other banks are also being investigated.

The FBI recently contacted the lawyer for a Deutsche Bank whistleblower, Tammy McFadden, who publicly criticized the company's anti-money-laundering systems, according to the lawyer, Brian McCafferty.

McFadden, a former compliance specialist at the bank, told The New York Times last month that she had flagged transactions involving Kushner's family company in 2016, but that bank managers decided not to file the suspicious activity report she prepared. Some of her colleagues had similar experiences in 2017 involving transactions in the accounts of Trump's legal entities, although it was not clear whether the FBI was examining the bank's handling of those transactions.

The same federal agent who contacted McFadden's lawyer also participated in interviews of the son of a deceased Deutsche Bank executive, William S. Broeksmit. Agents told the son, Val Broeksmit, that the Deutsche Bank investigation began with an inquiry into the bank's work for Russian money launderers and had since expanded to cover a broader array of potential misconduct at the bank and at other financial institutions. One element is the banks' possible roles in a vast money laundering scandal at Danish lender Danske Bank, according to people briefed on the investigation.

The broader scope of the investigations and many details of precisely what is under scrutiny are unclear, and it is not known whether the inquiries will result in criminal charges. In addition to the FBI, the Justice Department's Money Moneyering and Asset Recovery Section in Washington, and the US attorney's offices in Manhattan and Brooklyn in New York are conducting the investigations. Representatives for the agencies declined to comment.

Deutsche Bank has said that it is cooperating with government investigations and that it had been taking steps to improve its anti-money-laundering systems.

Even so, the governmental scrutiny — from regulators, members of Congress and now the Justice Department and FBI — has been a drag on the bank's stock price, which is hovering near historic lows because of investors' doubts about its future.

The congressional investigations are focused on Deutsche Bank's close relationship with Trump and his family. Over the past two decades, it was the only mainstream financial institution consistently willing to do business with Trump, who had a history of defaulting on loans. The bank lent him a total of more than $US2 billion ($2.9 billion), about $US350 million of which was outstanding when he was sworn in as president.

Two House committees have subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for records related to Trump and his family, including records connected to the bank's handling of potentially suspicious transactions. The president has filed a lawsuit to block Deutsche Bank and Capital One, where he also holds money, from complying with the subpoenas. A federal judge rejected Trump's request for an injunction, and the president has appealed that ruling. ...


... :rolleyes: ... man lässt illegale Gelder über Trumps etc. Konten fließen um Ihn ZuFall ... zubringen ... versuchter Betrug ... nächster vorbereiteter Akt ... !!! ... BOOM ... https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/DB?p=DB

3. Deutsche Bank (DB) was deep in derivatives and on the verge of imploding. The Alliance was keeping DB in its current state to act as a trigger to crash the Stock Markets and dismantle the fiat financial system. ...

... :yawn: ... Wie war das nochmal mit Merkels KONTO ... Sie stand auf einer Fitness-Vibrations-Platte ... Rüttliplatte ...


... :rolleyes: ... QFS is washing You ...

Aufgedeckt: US-gestützte venezolanische Opposition veruntreut humanitäre Hilfsgelder für Luxusgüter
20.06.2019 • 06:00 Uhr https://de.rt.com/1wxw

Millionen von Dollar, die für "Freiheit und Demokratie" in Venezuela gesammelt worden sind, wurden in Kolumbien von Vertrauten des US-gestützten Oppositionsführers Juan Guaidó für Luxushotels und Designerkleidung veruntreut. Guaidó bestätigte die Vorwürfe und versprach Aufklärung.

Im Januar erklärte sich der Oppositionsführer Juan Guaidó selbst zum Interimspräsidenten Venezuelas. Die USA, die EU und mehrere rechtskonservative Regierungen in Lateinamerika erkannten Guaidó als Präsidenten Venezuelas an. Die Mehrheit der internationalen Weltgemeinschaft, ...



... :rolleyes: ... zugedeckt mit Sargdeckel ...
aus der Diskussion: Devils Tower vs Trump Tower
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (20.06.19 10:20:39)
Beitrag: 500 von 972 (ID:60849013)
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