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[posting]60871367[/posting] ... :rolleyes: ... IRAN vs URAN ...

Trump announces additional "huge" sanctions on Iran starting Monday

23rd June, 2019

US President Donald Trump said Iran could not have nuclear weapons, stressing that significant additional sanctions would be imposed on Iran on Monday.

"Iran can not have nuclear weapons ... under Obama's terrible plan, they have been on their way to acquiring nuclear weapons in years, and the current verification procedures (of Tehran's inability to acquire nuclear weapons) are unacceptable," Trump wrote on his Twitter page.

"I look forward to the day when the sanctions on Iran will bear fruit and become a productive and prosperous nation again - the sooner it is the better." LINK


All Global Crypto Exchanges Must Now Share Customer Data, FATF Rules

Anna Baydakova , Nikhilesh De , Jun 21, 2019 at 16:00 UTC Updated Jun 21, 2019 at 20:36 UTC

A powerful intergovernmental organization devoted to combating money laundering and terrorism financing has finalized its recommendations on regulating cryptocurrencies for its 37 member countries.

As expected, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards released Friday include a controversial requirement that “virtual asset service providers” (VASPs), including crypto exchanges, pass information about their customers to one another when transferring funds between firms.

The final recommendation makes official the contentious part of FATF’s February proposal, saying countries should make sure that when crypto businesses send money, they:

“… obtain and hold required and accurate originator [sender] information and required beneficiary [receipient] information and submit the information to beneficiary institutions … if any. Further, countries should ensure that beneficiary institutions … obtain and hold required (not necessarily accurate) originator information and required and accurate beneficiary information …”

Under the new guidance, the required information for each transfer includes:



Chinas Sozialkreditsystem will auch deutsche Firmen benoten: Wie gut halten sie sich an die Regeln der KP China?
Epoch Times / 23. Juni 2019 / Aktualisiert: 23. Juni 2019 21:17

Alle Firmen, die in China tätig sind, sollen künftig in verschiedenen Listen danach bewertet werden, wie gut sie sich an die Regeln der chinesischen KP-Regierung halten. Die deutsche Wirtschaft wehrt sich.

Die deutsche Wirtschaft wehrt sich gegen ein neues Firmen-Ratingsystem, an dem die chinesische KP-Regierung feilt und das Teil des umstrittenen Sozialkreditsystems ist.

Der geplante Credit-Score eines Unternehmens könnte ein „Make or break“-Faktor für viele Firmen sein, ...


... :rolleyes: ... Fairness vs Lochness

... was Ihr hier In Dummland macht ... könnt Ihr nicht in China machen ...

aus der Diskussion: Devils Tower vs Trump Tower
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (24.06.19 13:11:00)
Beitrag: 510 von 972 (ID:60876567)
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