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... :rolleyes: ... ich hoffe die Krankheit ist nicht ansteckend ...


UN warnt Großbritannien vor Kinder-Voodoo-Ritualen, pädophilen Sextouristen
26 Jul 2019 - 10:02:14 PM



Tarantino Billboards Hijacked in L.A. to Slam Epstein, Polanski and "Pedowood"

9:45 AM PDT 7/26/2019 by Paul Bond

The giant billboard at Pico and La Cienega had been rented by Sony to advertise the film.

Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio no longer appear on several ads in Hollywood for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, as a conservative street artist has swapped their images with those of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and film director Roman Polanski.

The giant billboard at Pico and La Cienega had been rented by Sony to advertise the Quentin Tarantino movie that opened Thursday night, but Friday morning not only have the photos of the actors been altered, but also the film’s title, which now reads: “Once Upon a Time In Pedowood.”

The artist behind the alterations goes by the name Sabo, and he says that the faux ads are meant to insult the entertainment industry for embracing Polanski, who plead guilty to sex with a minor four decades ago, and, to a lesser extent Epstein, who was arrested July 6 for sex trafficking of minors.

He also noted that the backdrop of the movie is the 1969 Charles Manson murders where the most high-profile victim was Sharon Tate, the actress who was married to Polanski at the time.

Epstein wasn’t as well-known among the public as Polanski until his recent arrest, but in Hollywood he had a reputation for throwing lavish parties, one in 2010, for example, where guests included Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos.

Beyond the billboard, there are ads at numerous bus stops, some on benches and others behind glass. Insiders say a street crew worked through the night to get the phony ads in place before the sun rose on Friday.

One bench ad uses an image of Woody Allen instead of Polanski, as Allen was accused of abusing his adoptive daughter, Dylan Farrow, ...



"Q" - Epstein Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg, Discover The Hasty Pudding Club (Harvard)
Friday, July 26, 2019 8:58

“Q” reveals the link to Disney, Epstein, Epstein Island, Clintons…..

Little St James Pedo Island discovered, more to follow.

Island Capital group comes to light, Hasty Pudding Club.

The Hasty Pudding Club is the only Co-ed social institution on Harvard’s Campus… connect the dots..

Who is involved? Follow the Money Moneytions, Investments, Salaries paid to Politicians…….

Government subsidies awarded to key players.

“Save the children” Children Foundations are key drivers to Pedo Island.

Good Is Bad and Bad Is Now Acceptable, get your child sex toys here..

Ep’s Island, the “suicide” attempt, the connection to the Magic Kingdom and cruising, plus threats made against a FL lawmaker who is looking into Ep’s generous work release program

The Underground Resistance Network EPSTEIN IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG!

Laurie is joined by co-host Linda Lemmons (Tennessee Patriot) to discuss how deep the Epstein arrest can take us down the rabbit hole. ...

Something that is hard to understand, is why people seem so outraged about the Epstein Scandal, yet they fully support “Drag Queen” story hour?

How have people become so confused they cannot distinguish the difference between grooming a child, teaching a child, and child abuse?

Allowing children to be touched by men dressed up as women is all about pedophilia.

Michael Jackson’s Never Never Land, Disney’s Wonderland, Epstein’s Island…..

Be careful what you believe, we are living in a world of deceit, created by Hollywood, Corrupt Governments and let’s not forget the Clinton’s and their relief funds for children of third world countries who no one cares about, and children who will never be missed or reported missing. ...



QAnon zum Fall Epstein: Wir haben die Namen
26. Juli 2019

Lisa Bloom, eine Anwältin, die einige der Epstein-Ankläger vertritt, twitterte am Donnerstag, dass weder ihre Mandanten noch sie „niemandem Selbstmord wünschen, nicht einmal einem rückfälligen Verbrecher, das so viele Frauen betrogen und verletzt hat“.

„Wir wollen, dass er am Leben bleibt, um sich der Gerechtigkeit und Verantwortlichkeit zu stellen, die so lange überfällig ist. Und es kommt.“

Die Senatorin Lauren Book erhielt Morddrohungen, als sie dazu aufforderte, den Fall Epstein von 2008 noch einmal aufzurollen und zu untersuchen, warum Epstein die Erlaubnis bekam, tagsüber seiner Arbeit nachzugehen.

„Kleines Mädchen, hör besser auf!“

Ein Dutzend Drohungen habe es per Mail oder per Telefon seitdem gegeben.

Epstein wurde am 6. Juli erneut und wegen ähnlicher Vergehen verhaftet, die 2008 zu seiner Verurteilung führten.

Am 25. Juli wurde er halb bewusstlos, in fötaler Stellung und mit Blessuren am Hals in seiner Zelle gefunden. Nach einer Untersuchung im Krankenhaus durfte er wieder zurück in seine Zelle.

Am gleichen Tag meldete sich QAnon, der White House Whistleblower, und fragt:

aus der Diskussion: Devils Tower vs Trump Tower
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (27.07.19 11:08:45)
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