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[posting]61220042[/posting]Hallo freddy,
mir geht oder ging es ebenso. Habe mal eine Mail an TVI gesendet und nachgefragt wann Mindoro den Handel der Aktien wieder aufnimmt. Folgende Antwort am 09.01.2019 erhalten.
Thank you for your e-mail. I have forwarded your query on to the current Management of Mindoro as we at TVI Pacific are no longer involved with Mindoro other than we continue to hold a 14.4% equity interest in the Company. We have not been involved in the Management of Mindoro since the resignation of Mr. Clifford James, President & CEO of TVI Pacific, from the Mindoro Board in August 2015.

Thank you and regards,

aus der Diskussion: Mindoro Resource - Why the Philippines?
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): Illuminat1  (11.08.19 11:58:12)
Beitrag: 7,903 von 8,818 (ID:61224897)
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