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[posting]61271286[/posting]<auch in den nächsten Monaten wird es einen ganzen Schwall an FUD-Artikel zum Thema Boeing geben; da bin ich mir ganz sicher>

Investors hoping for a swift return to normalcy should think again

The market imagines that everything will return to normal ere long. Yet with hundreds of deaths and significant uncertainty on the part of potential customers about the air-worthiness of the 737 MAX, reality could prove far uglier for Boeing.

With a balance sheet stretched by an overindulgence in stock buybacks in recent years, the company could end up paying a steep price for its laxity. The equity does not currently reflect the very significant risks facing the once honored aerospace giant.

aus der Diskussion: Flugzeugbauer Boeing vor Großaufträgen für 737-Max
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): faultcode  (17.08.19 12:53:43)
Beitrag: 41 von 44 (ID:61281366)
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