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Walmart Inc. v. Tesla Energy Operations, New York State Supreme Court, New York County; Index No. 654765/2019.

=> 114 Seiten

=> ein schier endlose Liste an Vorwürfen:

87. Many of the Tesla solar panels inspected by Walmart were suffering from hotspots, resulting in cracking of the back sheets on solar modules and compromising electrical insulation. This condition compounded the danger and substantially heightened the risk of fire:
the hotspots reflected an excessive build-up of heat in the solar modules, which in turn wore down the insulation that was designed to keep electrical currents flowing within their proper paths and to separate electric conductors from their surrounding materials. These conditions can readily lead to electrical fires capable of spreading across an entire rooftop.
(FC: Format)
aus der Diskussion: ROUNDUP/'WSJ': FBI ermittelt wegen Falschangaben zu Model 3 gegen Tesla
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): faultcode  (21.08.19 01:41:27)
Beitrag: 1,436 von 10,213 (ID:61304497)
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