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[posting]61325233[/posting]Trump: Ich bin der „Auserwählte“, der es mit Peking aufnimmt

Von Frank Fang Epoch Times USA / 23. August 2019 Aktualisiert: 23. August 2019 8:50

US-Präsident Trump hat den unfairen Handelspraktiken Pekings den Kampf angesagt; das hätte bereits von seinen Vorgängern erledigt werden müssen. "Es ist an der Zeit, dass China an den Tisch kommt, seine Märkte öffnet und sich wie jede andere Industrienation an die Regeln des internationalen Handels hält", fügte Vizepräsident Pence hinzu. ...



Trump scherzt über Kurseinbruch an der Börse ... :rolleyes: ... darüber macht man doch keine Scherze ... \ud83d\udcc9 ... \ud83e\udd11 ...

Nachrichtenagentur: Redaktion dts | 23.08.2019, 21:08 |

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat am Freitag über den jüngsten Kurseinbruch an der Börse gescherzt. Der Dow sei deutlich runtergegangen, "perhaps on the news that Representative Seth Moulton, whoever that may be, has dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Race". Tatsächlich ist offensichtlich, dass der eskalierende Handelsstreit zwischen den USA und China und insbesondere auch Trumps eigene Äußerungen den Dow-Jones-Index am Freitag zwischenzeitlich über zwei Prozent nach unten drückten.

China hatte neue Strafzölle auf US-Waren, Trump eine Reaktion angekündigt. US-Firmen rief er dazu auf, sich aus China zurückzuziehen. ... :rolleyes: ... Coming Home - Dirty Money ...

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Trump orders US companies, including FedEx and Amazon, to look for alternatives to imports from China

23rd August, 2019

US president ordered, Donald Trump, the major US companies look 'immediately' for an alternative to China, and the trend towards investment in the United States

"He ordered our great American companies to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies to their home country and making your products in the United States," Trump wrote on Twitter

"We don't need China, and frankly, we would be better without them LINK



Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump Aug 23

As usual, the Fed did NOTHING! It is incredible that they can “speak” without knowing or asking what I am doing, which will be announced shortly. We have a very strong dollar and a very weak Fed. I will work “brilliantly” with both, and the U.S. will do great... ... \ud83d\udcb5 ...

10,240 replies 15,801 retweets 67,771 likes

Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump Aug 23

....My only question is, who is our bigger enemy, Jay Powell or Chairman Xi?

22,666 replies 13,613 retweets 55,783 likes


Trump slaps retaliatory tariffs on Chinese goods
Emily McCormick
Yahoo Finance August 23, 2019

President Donald Trump announced in a series of Twitter posts Friday that he would be imposing a higher rate of tariffs on some Chinese imports, after China earlier in the day said it would be slapping tariffs on another $75 billion worth of U.S. goods.

The additional levies are set to roll out in two tranches. The $300 billion worth of imports from China that were set to be taxed at a 10% rate on September 1 will now be taxed at a 15% rate. And starting October 1, the $250 billion worth of Chinese imports currently taxed at 25% will be taxed at a rate of 30%, Trump said.

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative followed up with a press release reiterating Trump’s new tariff announcements shortly after the Twitter posts. ...


... :rolleyes: ... Handelsdefizite werden abgabaut ...


On Fri. Aug. 23 Director of the Central Bank of Canada Mark Carney called for a Global Currency Reset in his keynote address before the Federal Reserve’s annual Economic Symposium in Jackson Hole Wyoming. At the time memos had already been sent to the Banks indicating that the 800#s would come out sometime over the weekend.

On Sat. Aug. 24 as the Federal Reserve's meeting concluded, the US Dollar was expected to significantly drop in worth - an end to the Federal Reserve. If so, President Trump planned to issue a State of Emergency and sign an Executive Order that would ensure a return of US currency to the Gold Standard.

Evidently at 9:30 am EDT Thurs. Aug. 22 signaled the death of the fiat system and activation of the Quantum Financial System when four Stealth F35s bombers (the Bible’s Four Horsemen?) flew over and down the Hudson River at the opening of the New York Stock Market. Of note was that one of the bombers was Canadian. Could Canadian Central Bank Director Mark Carney be working with President Trump?


Samson » August 24th, 2019

The British central bank calls for an end to the world's dependence on the dollar

24th August, 2019

Called on the British Central Bank Governor Mark Carney, Saturday, to get rid of the dependence on the dollar and unify the central bank's efforts to find an alternative reserve currency.

Carney told a conference of central bankers in Wyoming that the dollar's dominance in the global financial system was raising the risk of what he called a "liquidity trap," a very low interest rate and weak economic growth.

“With the reorganization of the global economy, the importance of the US dollar remains as it was in the period when the Bretton Woods system collapsed” (ie, the decoupling between the dollar and the price of an ounce of gold in the 1970s). Developing economies have increased their share of global financial activity to 60 percent, from 45 percent before the financial crisis 10 years ago, Carney said.

The dollar is still used in about half of international trade, more than 5 times the US share of global exports, making many countries vulnerable to the volatility of the US economy. Carney added that the problems in the global economy are related to activating protectionist and populist policies.

The governor of the Bank of England argued that the best solution would be to create a diversified multipolar financial system, which can be achieved with the help of contemporary technology. He suggested that it is possible to use cryptocurrencies for this purpose, which will reduce the impact of the dollar on global trade. LINK https://www.almaalomah.com/2019/08/24/425023/


C. Aug. 22 2019 Field McConnell (Abel Danger) interview with General Mattis (Mad Dog) that showed activation of the RV at 9:30 am EDT Aug. 22: (see at 31:30) https://theaviationist.com/2019/08/22/check-out-these-stunni…

1. Today four Stealth F 35s flying down the Hudson River at Opening Bell of Stock Market signified the death of the fiat system and ushered in the Quantum Financial System. The Hudson fly over signified that the QFS has been activated. General Dunford and the White Hats made it happen, along with the Chinese Benevolents. ...


... 8. Mike Cottrell: $700 trillion dollars has been stolen from him and he would be dedicating $20 billion dollars to fund bringing those responsible to justice. He was determined to take down the Bushes, Ben Fulford and others. ...


Ambassador Lee Wanta @eagleonetowanta Aug 23

The last person to be with with Chris Story before he died was Michael Cottrell.He lad lunch with him.There are many questions surrounding that. Ambassador Wanta is appearing on a National radio & other major media to disclose the Cottrell scam & his efforts to influence Trump

Klaatu Aquinus @bolo451
Replying to @eagleonetowanta

Amb. Wanta, M. Cottrell just accused you of being complicit w/ the murder of Chris Story on https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz … (he is live there as I type) .. what say you? I think it is time to put Cottrell to bed .. it might be time 2 take RDS suggestion of using his defamation lawyer ..


"Cottrell Going After Wanta and Fulford" by Still Hanging On - 8.23.19
8/23/2019 11:04:00 PM Emailed, Thoughts

Entry Submitted by Still Hanging On at 3:46 PM EDT on August 23, 2019

On MarkZ's show Friday morning, August 23, 2019, Michael C. Cottrell stated that he would devote 20 billion dollars of his expected funds to take down all those who have lied about him and his family, including Leo Wanta and Benjamin Fulford. This project will last as long as it takes until Cottrell is satisfied, according to Cottrell. Go to minute 14 here: Multistreaming with Restream.io

To know more about Cottrell, go to the Christopher Story archives and read the last six years of Story's reports.



A. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Judy Note: Barack Obama’s ties to the CIA, private bankers and organized crime were of great concern. Since inception after World War II, a Satanic worshipping CIA, Vatican, British Crown and Central Bankers have used the global monetary system and organized crime to run an International Child Sex Trafficking Ring known as the Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult.

The Ninth Circle’s purpose was to use Mind Controlled young victims in order to blackmail global elites for political gain. Their pedophilia parties and Satan worshipping Child Sacrifice rites have taken place on privately owned properties around the world such as 80 Canadian Catholic and other church-owned Residential Schools for native children, the estates of European Royalty, Bohemian Grove and Epstein Island.

Since 1913 such elites have controlled the global monetary system that President Trump, the White Hats and BRICS Alliance were now about to destroy. Articles on the CIA-Vatican Ninth Circle: http://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/pages/243/590/stories.h… ...


Der Neunte Zirkel: Der innerste pädokriminelle Kreis zur rituellen Opferung von Kindern

16. August 2019

Im Auftrag und exklusiv für connectiv.events geschrieben!! Dieser Artikel darf von anderen Webseiten, Blogs oder sonstigen Plattformen ohne Rücksprache mit connectiv.events inhaltlich nicht übernommen bzw. kopiert werden!! Der Artikel soll selbstverständlich viel geteilt werden. Danke!

von Daniel Prinz

Die Verhaftung des pädokriminellen US-Milliardärs Jeffrey Epstein und seines plötzlichen vermeintlichen Selbstmordes vor Prozessbeginn hat einen neuen wichtigen Meilenstein in der strafrechtlichen Verfolgung der „Pädoliten“ erreicht. Jetzt sollte das Ziel nicht locker gelassen werden, den Rest dieses düsteren Menschenhandelsnetzwerks zügig nach und nach aus dem Verkehr zu räumen. In diesem Zusammenhang dürfen die Kindersexskandale rund um den Vatikan und die babylonisch-katholische Kirche aber nicht unter den Teppich gekehrt werden.

Zwar wurden hierbei bisher auch einige hochrangige Mitglieder erwischt und teilweise



Pädo-Netzwerk: Von Jeffrey Epstein zu Marc Dutroux?
18. August 2019 aikos2309

In diesem Artikel möchte ich die Verbindungen von Epstein zum Dutroux-Komplex aufzeigen.
Vorweg: Ich sage keineswegs, dass es zwangsläufig eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem belgischen Netzwerk und Epsteins Pädophilenring gab. Jedoch gibt es Sachverhalte, die man nicht ignorieren darf.

Welche Kontaktstellen zwischen Epstein und seinen Freunden vom Lolita Express und den belgischen Pädo-Strukturen gibt es? Oliver Nevermind.

Es gibt drei erwähnenswerte Hinweise auf eine mögliche Verflechtung.

Erster Hinweis: ...

aus der Diskussion: Devils Tower vs Trump Tower
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (25.08.19 11:12:44)
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