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Kommentare von Apothekern in den Vereinigten Staaten (wenn die Quelle stimmt) bestätigen ernsthafte Probleme bei der Beschaffung von Generika, wenn die Lagerbestände verbraucht sind.

Dies spricht für eine weitere Steigerung des ENVARUS-Umsatzes in den nächsten Monaten, da Veloxis voll liefern kann.

“With tacrolimus on a national shortage, what is your pharmacy doing for patients? My pharmacy is the discharge pharmacy for a major heart and kidney transplant center, and most of the transplant patients continue to fill with us. But as of yesterday, we are down to 200 capsules of 1 mg and 75 capsules of 0.5 mg. Most of our patients take between 180 and 360 capsules a month. We've been rationing for a long time, but our stockpile is basically out, and we cannot get it from anywhere. We've been really successful in getting paid claims for Envarsus (ER tacrolimus tablets) which our patients LOVE (once a day dosing vs 2-3 times a day dosing), but we are running out of the last bit of tacrolimus we give patients while we bridge them onto Envarsus. What have your pharmacies been doing to get patients through this?”

aus der Diskussion: Gewinnerbranchen der Jahre 2006 bis 2040
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): flying.kangaroo  (02.09.19 12:52:49)
Beitrag: 85,906 von 94,068 (ID:61391960)
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