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Fremont police Tesla runs low on juice during high-speed chase
‘I am down to six miles of battery,’ officer said during highway pursuit

The used 2014 Tesla Model S is considered part of a pilot program, to determine whether electric vehicles are suitable for police use on a larger scale.

The department spent a tad over $61,000 to buy the car from Tesla in 2018 — which has its main manufacturing factory in Fremont — and spent over a year modifying the car to get it ready for police use, officially rolling it out in March.

The used Tesla cost approximately $20,000 more than a new Ford Explorer police vehicle that the department uses for its other patrol vehicles, though officials said they expect to save on fuel and maintenance costs over the long run with the Tesla.

aus der Diskussion: ROUNDUP/'WSJ': FBI ermittelt wegen Falschangaben zu Model 3 gegen Tesla
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): faultcode  (26.09.19 12:21:07)
Beitrag: 1,778 von 10,213 (ID:61573245)
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