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[posting]61619343[/posting]Vanguard to Challenge Banks’ Grip on $6 Trillion Currency Market

Alastair Marsh
BloombergOctober 3, 2019

(Bloomberg) -- Having revolutionized the business of buying stocks, Vanguard Group is now coming for currencies.

The investing pioneer obsessed with lowering costs is testing a new way for asset managers to trade currencies and avoid big investment banks, according to a person familiar with the matter. The platform, based on the blockchain technology that powers Bitcoin, has been operational for two months and has handled some trades, said the person, asking not to be named because the project is private.

If successful, the venture could shift power in the $6 trillion a day currency market that banks such as JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Deutsche Bank AG have ruled for decades. While skeptics say it will be challenging to get enough investment firms on board, the cost savings of peer-to-peer trading could prove appealing in a world where profits are being squeezed by a race to the bottom on fees and mounting regulatory burdens.

“Direct trading really is the Holy Grail for the buy-side,” said Campbell Adams, a former senior currency trader at Deutsche Bank who founded a platform called ParFX in partnership with banks including Citigroup Inc. and JPMorgan. “In theory, it sounds great because you can reduce your costs if you can match directly with someone else who has a countervailing interest,” he said. Yet “it will require a critical mass of users.”

Breaking From Banks ... (... :rolleyes: ... Forex 18 Monats Deadline ...)







The first country to launch a digital currency

2019/10/03 10:40:58

Venezuela's oil-backed digital currency, Petro, has recently entered world markets in an attempt to stabilize the fragile economy affected by the country's ongoing political crisis and US sanctions.

The local Telesur channel quoted Venezuelan officials as saying that Petro's cryptocurrency would neutralize the threat of black markets and money mafias.

Experts said the goal was to halt the imbalance caused by economic warfare driven from abroad, referring to sanctions against the country.

President Nicolas Maduro told a news conference that Petro's currency is different from other digital currencies because it is protected by oil and Venezuela's mining wealth.

He noted that Petro already exists in six of the world's largest international exchange centers (unspecified) and will now be accepted at the national level.

Maduro stressed that all Venezuelans will get the currency "Petro" - without setting a date - to make international purchases, pointing out that it is now a legal alternative to the dollar in real estate deals.

The price of one unit of state-backed Petro is equivalent to 3,600 bolivars (local currency), and will be a reference to determine the value of business and the price of services and consumer goods, and one of the accounting units that will govern the Bolivarian state, according to Telesur. LINK: https://www.shafaaq.com/ar/%D8%A7%D9%82%D8%AA%D8%B5%D9%80%D8…


Zahlungsmethode für Kryptowährungen soll laut Maduro bald in Venezuela eingeführt werden
Startseite Politik Regierungen

Am Montag, dem 30. September, teilte der Präsident Nicolas Maduro in einer Pressekonferenz mit, dass die Regierung Venezuelas Kryptowährungen bereits als „Methode für nationale und internationale Zahlungen“ nutzt. Die Zentralbank prüft, ob sie den Zahlungsverkehr mit Kryptowährungen regulieren kann. ...



Huge Mining farm in China Burns Down
By Adam Slater - October 3, 2019



... :rolleyes: ... Öl - Deadline ... etc. ... 1000 Jahres Plan ...

- Und was können Sie zu den Perspektiven der Preise für die Ölsorte Brent sagen? Wie ist Ihre Prognose?

- Niemand kann die Ölpreise vorhersagen. Was wir sagen, das sind alles nur Vermutungen. Die Ölpreise hängen vor allem von der Nachfrage und dem Angebot sowie von etlichen anderen Faktoren, unter anderem von der Politik und von sozialen Fragen ab. Die Brent-Sorte wird ungefähr auf demselben Niveau bleiben. Meines Erachtens wird es keinen großen Preisanstieg geben. ...



It’s a Nothing-Burger Day

13. Member: Oootah said as of today Thurs. Oct. 3, the Federal Reserve was dead and also said that a window of this going was between now and next Mon. Oct. 7.

14. Member: Yes, the IRS will be history. Trump has already signed the paperwork on doing away with the Fed and the IRS. ...

Mon. Sept. 30: Gen. Mark A. Milley became America's 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Milley, who has been specially trained in Martial Law, took over for Marine Gen. Joseph F. Dunford. Dunford retired to join General James Mattis and General John Kelly to regulate the trials at GITMO – one of which was the Military Tribunal on 9/11 which began late Jan. 2019. ...

Tues. Oct. 8 2019: US Inc. through the Fed. would no longer be allowed to print the fiat US Dollar. ...



"Welcome to Red October" by Sierra (NZ) - 10.4.19
10/04/2019 02:20:00 AM

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 12:44 AM EDT on October 4, 2019

Melania Trump wore a stunning red dress on 1st October. Melania's choice of wardrobe often sends messages to Anons and this was no exception. Check out the dress in this Redpill78 video at 3' 18"...

Still not convinced of the importance of Red October to the Alliance Plan? The White House is usually lit up with soft white or blue lights...https://lovetruthsite.wordpress.com/2018/10/02/red-october/?…

The article says: 'On October 1st the exterior lights of the White House flickered 17 times (Q is 17th letter of alphabet) and then went RED!' A Q proof popped in as a bonus - directly from the White House.

... 2018 ... 2728
Zukunft beweist die Vergangenheit (Q-Beweis)

JustInformed Talk's latest video features an excellent speech from President Trump, condemning Adam Schiff. As Craig says, we are watching Red October unfolding in real time. This is President Trump at his best - relaxed, eloquent and deadly in his summation of the Deep State. His speech is at the start of the video...


President Trump regarding Adam Schiff: 'It has to be a criminal act. He should resign, and some say it's treason...'

President Trump re impeachment: 'Now I get three days of peace - I am walking into the United Nations and going to meet with the biggest leaders in the world, and I heard the word "impeachment". I said, "What did I do now...?"

Finally I like EyeTheSpy's tweet about the Great Awakening...


'Many of you shout for arrests, not realizing how important the journey is.
Think for a moment about the Great Awakening and its purpose.
Is it called the "Great Arresting"?
You are missing so much of the bigger picture.
This is deeper than political enemies.
So Very Deep.'
(EyeTheSpy tweet)

It is worth reading all the recent EyeTheSpy tweets to understand how the Alliance Plan is unfolding in meticulous, patient detail.

EyeTheSpy is right. The Great Awakening is So Very Deep. It is about awakening humanity to the TRUTH about their mind-controlled existence. The TRUTH about the vast network of satanic pedophile/sex trafficking/child sacrifice rings being operated by the so-called 'elite'. The TRUTH that we are about to be set free because of the incredible bravery and tenacity of the Alliance team.

We are inching ever closer to the RV/GCR - it is not "if" but "when". Keep the bigger picture in mind. Take time to read the information about child sacrifice in Judy's daily intel reports. We are doing it for the children.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


Crooked Joe, Illegal Surveillance, and the FBI Cover-up
10/03/2019 02:12:00 AM

Crooked Joe, Illegal Surveillance, And The FBI Cover-up

By Patrick J. McShay, Contributer

"Biden is finished but mark my word, Obama is in the middle of this, up to his neck in corruption and fraud, this is Obama's scandal!"
*Wayne Allen Root - Best Selling Author

"Biden and his son are stone-cold crooked"
*President Donald J. Trump- White House Press Conference Oct 2nd, 2020

When Adam Schiff and the Democrat leadership made the decision to put their impeachment hopes on a 2nd party, CIA connected, Trump-hating, whistleblower, they didn't expect Trump to announce the release of the transcript before Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff had a chance to show their outrage in carefully scripted press conferences.

*It was revealed yesterday that Adam Schiff lied about when he learned about the phony Ukraine whistleblower. that should have surprised no one!

Whistleblowers don't typically come to the public's attention unless our controllers allow it. Real whistleblowers are typically always outed, persecuted, lose their jobs, are jailed on bogus charges or end up dead. More often than not their vital information is never reported to the public.

During the Obama era, whistleblowers were outed and viciously prosecuted, including US Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning, NSA whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Thomas Drake, and CIA whistleblowers John Kiriakou, and Jeffrey Sterling. I don't recall anyone on the left showing any interest in helping these people.

These whistleblowers came forward to blow the whistle on war crimes, the concern that Obama was destroying the 4th Amendment with flawed intelligence operations, illegal mass surveillance, and officially sanctioned torture, but got none of the protections provided to this fake CIA Ukraine whistleblower with a bone to pick with this president.

Most Americans are unaware that the rules for whistleblowers changed just over a month ago, about the same time that Adam Schiff was prepping his phony whistleblower to accuse the president of wrongdoing.

The CIA dropped its requirement that the whistleblower have direct first-hand knowledge of an event just prior to this complaint against Trump was made. Hearsay and second-hand information were deemed acceptable just weeks before this complaint was made. ...



Putin gibt Macron Tipp für Umgang mit Tiefem Staat und macht auf jahrelange US-Lüge aufmerksam
4.10.2019 • 14:18 Uhr

... "Also, wer ist der Präsident von Frankreich – ich oder Macron? Er soll die Dinge in Ordnung bringen. Warum fragen Sie mich das? Erstens habe ich nicht gehört, was er gesagt hat, und ich bin mir der Situation nicht bewusst. Aber wenn er von jemandem behindert wird, sollte er die ihm unterstellten Personen an deren Plätze zurückbringen oder sie ersetzen. Und dann bringen Sie Ihre Unterstützer und Gleichgesinnten in die Regierung. Und alles wird als ein einziges Team mit einem hohen Ergebnis funktionieren. ...



Philippines’ Duterte in Moscow to Meet ‘Favorite Leader’ Putin

by Nate Church 2 Oct 2019

President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte arrived in Moscow in the wee hours of Wednesday morning for a visit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Duterte and an array of support staff touched down around 3 a.m. at the Vnukovo Military Base Airport for his second attempt at a diplomatic visit with President Vladimir Putin. He will remain in Russia for the remainder of the week, returning on Saturday. ...

aus der Diskussion: Devils Tower vs Trump Tower
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (04.10.19 18:03:52)
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