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Sep 30, 2019

Dr Steve Pieczenik is the son of Holocaust survivors, with degrees in Psychiatry and International Relations from Harvard, Cornell and MIT. He served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker and has collaborated on two bestselling book series with spy novelist, Tom Clancy.

Dr Pieczenik posts his outbursts from time-to-time but lately, he’s been posting daily. On the 30th, he had the following to say:

“I want to talk about the fact that the CIA coup has been confirmed, 1) by sources I can’t mention, within the intelligence community and the second one is by Dr. Rand Paul, who like me is a doctor and served in the military. He made it very clear in one of his brochures and portfolio statements that this was a CIA coup.

“Now, what are we talking about? Number One, we’re talking about the head of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, a congressman from Los Angeles, who took over the position that Henry Waxman would have had – there was a transfer of power from a very smart, capable congressman, like Waxman to somebody who was highly-compromise

“So, when you have a military coup or CIA coup, what you need is a person who’s highly-compromised. Well, what did Adam Schiff do that compromised him? Number One, he took money from Mr. Pasternak, Igor Pasternak from the Ukraine, in 2013 and later on, in another year, he took hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to run for his campaign.

“So, we have, already corruption with a Ukrainian oligarch. Number Two – and this has been confirmed – Adam Schiff was caught in a pedophile trafficking ring, somewhere in Los Angeles and that was at the Standard Hotel, run by Ms. Abramovic, who apparently practices Satanic rituals – but the more important part is that he has been highly-compromised.

“When you have somebody who’s highly-compromised and is not that bright, certainly not as bright as Waxman, you have somebody that you can manipulate.

“Well, who would manipulate it? Number One, of course is the CIA Director. Now, Gina Haspel, who hasn’t said a word but as I’ve said before the CIA is an ‘excepted organization’, meaning you can fire at will. 40 to 50 percent of the CIA operatives and analysts all are outsourced, so there’s no problem firing them.

“So, we had Mike Morrell, who cleared that Trump is not fit to be a president. He was DCI. We had John Brennan, ‘Catholics In Action’. He declared that Trump was a disaster and a traitor. Then, we had Clapper, DNI who declared that Trump was no good and we never should have had him as president. Then, we had the FBI, Comey, who came in and did all kinds of shenanigans but also declared that Trump wasn’t fit.

“So what do we have here? We have a Ukrainian mess that was created by none other than Mitt Romney’s right-hand man, Joseph Black, a major, major CIA operative – who, by the way, was involved in 9/11 and the false flag and he was Vice Chairman of Blackwater. Isn’t that interesting?

“That is a Hessian [mercenary] Group, that’s funded by Erik Prince, who was thrown out of the United States and had to go to Dubai and the UAE to create another mercenary group.

“So what we have here is a lot of collusion among ex-CIA, FBI operatives and what you people will call the “Deep State”, although the Deep State for me is far deeper than one would imagine. It has to do with other members of the 15 other intelligence organizations, which are far more effective than the CIA. I don’t have to get into it but of course, I’ve mentioned before, Defense Intelligence Agency, Military Intelligence G2 – all of whom would respond and be loyal to the President of the United States or more importantly, the Constitution.

“So, what we have, here is Hunter Biden. Not only is he ineffectual and dumb like his father, Joe Biden who I told you had an aneurysm, is demented, clinically-demented, now and Joe Biden has a history of plagiarism, all through his life and lying and confabulating.

“Now, we have Hunter Biden who’s also ineffectual – and by the way was also corrupt and also was thrown out of the Naval Reserve for, guess what, cocaine addiction. So, we have an ineffectual, corrupt Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. Let me give you a quote that says the following, in The Godfather.

“We said, ‘Hold your your enemies close and your friends closer.’ (sic?) Well, that really is my saying but the point of fact, here is that when this coup was initiated – and it’s in full force now – you will see people like myself and others who are in the counter-coup business and we will take it apart.



Two Florida Businessmen Helping Investigate Ukraine-Biden Charged with Unrelated Campaign Finance Violations

by Kristina Wong10 Oct 20

Two Florida businessmen, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, who were reportedly helping Rudy Giuliani with his Ukraine investigation were arrested late Wednesday on unrelated charges they violated campaign finance laws when donating to Republicans, including a pro-Trump super PAC, according to reports.

The Campaign Legal Center, a transparency advocacy group, filed a complaint against the two men with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in July 2018, accusing them of violating campaign finance laws by using an LLC to hide the source of their donations, according to the Wall Street Journal.

In May 2018, they gave $325,000 to the primary pro-Trump super PAC, America First Action, through Global Energy Partners LLC, according to the WSJ....



GEORGE \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 @TheCollectiveQ

7:00PM / 8:00PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at a Keep America Great Rally
Lake Charles, LA

8:14 PM - 10 Oct 2019 from Minneapolis, MN


Trumps Anwalt Rudy Giuliani: „Die Demokraten sind in mehr hineingeraten, als sie ahnen.“ Das Impeachment-Verfahren erklärt, warum.

11. Oktober 2019

Der Wahnsinn kennt keine Grenzen, zumindest dann nicht, wenn es um das seit nun seit drei Jahren angestrebte Impeachment-Verfahren von Donald Trump geht. Ja, Sie haben richtig gelesen, es ging bereits vor der Wahl los, indem man mit dem inzwischen wohlbekannten Russland-Dossier Trump eine Zusammenarbeit mit den Russen nachweisen wollte oder – als das nicht klappte – mit verschiedenen Sternchen eine sexuelle Affäre, die gerne auch schon älter sein durfte. Sie gruben tief, sehr tief, bis hinein in die 90er Jahre und fanden dann endlich Stromy Daniels, die inzwischen den Prozess gegen Trump verloren hat.

Trump trat sein Amt unbeirrt an und ließ sich davon nicht beeindrucken.

Inzwischen wird er von vielen bereits der erfolgreichste Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten genannt, der mehr Arbeitsplätze beschaffte – vor allen Dingen für die benachteiligte farbige Bevölkerung – als jeder Präsident vor ihm und der durch seine harte Linie gegenüber Handelsabkommen bereits viele Milliarden Dollar einsparte und ins Land bracht. Der Dow Jones ist auf Rekordhöhe, den Amerikanern geht es wieder besser.

Und dieser Präsident soll des Amtes enthoben werden?

Eine neue Verordnung, wie die der Gewissensprüfung, erlauben ihnen, die Zwangsimpfung vieler Staaten zu umgehen und selbst zu entscheiden, ob sie ihr Kind impfen lassen wollen oder nicht. Eine andere erlaubt die Nutzung von noch nicht vollständig in langjährigen Studien getesteten Wirkstoffen, wie denen in der Cannabispflanze. Das nannte er „Right to Try“ – das Recht, es zu versuchen. Vielen Menschen konnte dadurch geholfen werden.

Während die Demokraten damit werben, die Steuern wieder zu erhöhen, hat Trump sie gesenkt und jeder Amerikaner hat jetzt mehr in der Lohntüte.

Außenpolitisch gab es noch keinen einzigen neuen Krieg und – ganz im Gegenteil – gibt es Friedensverhandlungen mit den Nordkoreanern und bald hoffentlich auch mit Afghanistan und auch der Konflikt mit Iran dürfte beigelegt werden. Er hat Zeit, sagt Trump. Jedenfalls strebt er auch hier eine friedliche Lösung an und sämtliche Versuche, einen Krieg zu provozieren, haben nicht gefruchtet.

Trump möchte Frieden.

Wie muss sich ein Mensch fühlen, den man von Anfang an so falsch einschätzte, dass viele Angst hatten, ihn zu wählen, da die Medien seine angebliche Unberechenbarkeit immer wieder betonten, bei der man zu jeder Zeit mit einem Krieg rechnen müsse.

Trumps Wahlveranstaltungen, die schon begonnen haben, müssen in Stadien abgehalten werden.

Zuletzt hatten sich um die 120.000 Menschen angemeldet, aber das Stadion fasste nur 20.000. Man musste ihnen absagen, aber viele kamen trotzdem und schauten auf den Videowänden draußen, was drinnen passierte.

Trump mag der meistgehasste Präsident aller Zeiten sein, ein Framing, ...



... Pope Ratzinger was one of the bad guys and held 5,000 accounts at Vatican Bank that couldn’t be moved.

The Federal Reserve account inside the Vatican Bank has accounts for a majority of US politicians that amounts to over 500 billion dollars.

Only Trump as US President has the power to crush the US Corp. and that is why the Dems are trying to impeach him. When this reset occurs they are going to disappear – killed, be at GITMO or the World Court – and they are terrified.

Trump is methodically taking the corruption down. He started by moving the US Treasury.

For the most part old debt, medical bills and student loans will be handled by the debt jubilee.

Fri. Oct. 18: The IG Report would be released.

Sat. Oct. 19 2019: Martial Law activation, if not before. “Something big would happen around Sat. Oct. 19” – believed to be the Mass Arrests in full swing with possible chaos breaking out. Dramatic changes and reforms within the US government were expected to take place after the Mass Arrests. Thousands of elite US Marine troops were ordered to be activated on 19 October for a “National Emergency”


aus der Diskussion: Devils Tower vs Trump Tower
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): teecee1  (11.10.19 08:40:13)
Beitrag: 655 von 972 (ID:61671264)
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