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For now, Aurora is facing trouble with over-spending and over-supply, but the future-looking moves management has made look very promising to ensure later success. There are so many articles accentuating the deficiencies in this stock, but it is important to remember the promising aspects this company has to offer. As of now, I would still not recommend investing in this stock until there is some clarity towards their oversupply and CAPEX problems, but there is promise for Aurora to sell a diverse range of products and thrive in the marijuana industry.

Versprechen kann man viel, wenn man als Unternehmen für forward looking statements keinerlei Garantien oder Haftung übernehmen muss.
aus der Diskussion: Aurora Cannabis einfach TOP !!!
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat  (24.10.19 11:05:24)
Beitrag: 10,300 von 14,380 (ID:61755356)
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