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Meeder Asset Management Inc. grew its holdings in shares of Palatin Technologies, Inc. by 594.0% [...]

Other hedge funds have also recently modified their holdings of the company.

Community Trust & Investment Co. purchased a new stake in shares of Palatin Technologies [...]

Summit X LLC grew its stake in shares of Palatin Technologies by 100.0% [...]

Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC purchased a new stake in shares of Palatin Technologies [...]

Commonwealth Equity Services LLC grew its stake in shares of Palatin Technologies by 207.7% [...]

Mckinley Capital Management LLC Delaware purchased a new stake in shares of Palatin Technologies [...]

major shareholder Stephen T. Wills purchased 1,500 shares of the stock [...]

Also, insider Carl Spana purchased 50,000 shares of the stock [...]

Following the completion of the acquisition, the insider now owns 5,953,852 shares of the company’s stock, valued at $5,120,312.72.


Warum kaufen sie alle dieses Jahr zu? :confused:
aus der Diskussion: Palatin Technology / voraussichtliches Marktpotential von 1,3 Mrd $ bis 2020 allein in USA
Autor (Datum des Eintrages): The_Stone  (29.10.19 20:07:31)
Beitrag: 4,830 von 5,764 (ID:61792666)
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